Miss Glazier & Ms. Matthews Welcome to Open House!!
Goals for the Year To give your child the academic and social skills needed to progress to 6 th grade, and BEYOND! To provide a supportive, fun and encouraging classroom environment, all while helping them become responsible, self-aware, and confident. To discover new interests and provide multiple opportunities to challenge your child. To encourage a LOVE of reading, and learning, that lasts a LIFETIME!
Classroom Community Our classroom is a community… Although each classroom does have separate rules, here are some basic guidelines we follow: Be responsible Be honest Keep your hands to yourself Treat others the way you want to be treated Always do your best! Keep your eyes and ears open…raise your hand! Have fun!
Just a few things… The students are allowed in the building at 8:45 a.m. If your child is not in the classroom by the time the second bell rings (9:15), they will need to check in at the school office before coming to class. School starts at 9:15 a.m. Check this out… If your child arrives (and gets to work!) at 8:45 everyday this year, they will receive 5,400 minutes or 90 hours of extra education! If they arrive at 9:00, they will receive 2,700 minutes or 45 hours of extra education! WOW!
Just a few things continued… Please send in a note if your child’s transportation changes, otherwise they will have to go home using their regular transportation. Also if they are going to be picked up early, please send me an so we can ensure they will be ready for you. The best way to contact us is & Check our website OFTEN! Please sign up on Class Dojo to get reports on your child’s behavior!
Just a few things continued… Birthdays: store bought goodies ONLY – preferably something easy to eat, and with as little sugar as possible! Medication: prescribed medicine only (includes cough drops and chap stick) Snack: we will have a healthy snack throughout the day 10:25). Please try and limit the snack if the first 5 ingredients are sugar. Conferences: 2 nd Quarter & 4 th Quarter, and by request! Join the PTA! (See Carpenter website) Become a volunteer! (See Carpenter website)
Daily Schedule 8:45-9:15 Morning Work/Arrival 9:15-10:45 Literacy 10:45-11:30 Specials 11:30-12:30 Glazier Science/Matthew s Math 12:30-12:45 Read Aloud 12:45-1:15 Recess 1:15-1:45 Lunch 1:45-2:45 Matthews Science/Glazier Math 2:45-3:15 Team Time 3:15-3:40 Writing 3:40-3:45 Dismissal
The Core of 5 th Grade Reading: Taking charge as a reader, deepening understanding of characters and setting in fiction texts, asking questions before, during and after reading, understanding non-fiction text structures, and research Math: Powers of ten, multi-digit multiplication and division, decimals, fractions, measurement and data Writing: Personal Narratives, informational research, persuasive and opinion, fantasy Social Studies: Economics, Revolutionary War, Westward Expansion, Civil War and Reconstruction Science: Human Body Systems, force and motion, ecosystems, weather
Homework Homework is ALWAYS posted to our website, just in case! Monday – Thursday Science will only be given 1-2 times a week (5-10 minutes of work) Reading: Book Share Project 25 minutes EVERY NIGHT! Math: Keep an “open math mind!” Ten Marks Math notebook homework Homework should take 50 minutes including Math and Reading. If it is taking longer than that please let me know.
Website m/ 16.weebly.com/