Introducing the Bureau of Transportation Statistics’ Geographic Information Services Call in Number: Participant Passcode: Presented by: Derald Dudley Geographer Bureau of Transportation Statistics
2 U.S. Department of Transportation Research and Innovative Technology Administration Office of Geographic Information Services (OGIS) USDOTRITABTSOGIS OGIS is a national resource for transportation spatial data and analysis that utilizes Geographic Information Systems (GIS). GIS enables planners and others to visualize large quantities of transportation data, rendering it more meaningful. GIS helps highlight the transportation system's reach, coverage, modal relationships, key corridors, and relationship to our nation's economic activity and environment.
3 U.S. Department of Transportation Research and Innovative Technology Administration OGIS Functions Transportation data collection Publish Transportation data Data services Application development Spatial analysis Cartographic production
4 U.S. Department of Transportation Research and Innovative Technology Administration Data Publication and Applications Development Goals 1.Make Transportation Data Accessible Publish and distribute the National Transportation Atlas Database Publish data services Representational State Transfer (REST) Services WCF Data Services 2.Provide Transportation Knowledge and Context Publish Web Mapping Applications which… Provide spatial and statistical analysis of each mode of transportation Aggregate and analyze data at the national, state, county, and congressional district levels Provide comparisons at each level (e.g. rankings, categorization and percentages) Use Visualization tools (e.g. maps and charts)
5 U.S. Department of Transportation Research and Innovative Technology Administration Making Transportation Data Accessible: NTAD Majority of data, that supplies BTS’ web mapping applications, comes from the National Transportation Atlas Database (NTAD) NTAD was mandated by Congress the same time they created BTS through Title 49 USC 111 – 7 (f)(1) What is NTAD? A set of nationwide geographic databases of transportation facilities, transportation networks, and associated infrastructure. The data support research, analysis, and decision-making across all modes of transportation. Developed in cooperation with other agencies both inside and outside the USDOT. Updated annually New data are identified and included sportation_atlas_database/2013/index. html Metadata: -gov
6 U.S. Department of Transportation Research and Innovative Technology Administration Making Transportation Data Accessible: NTAD 33 datasets offered in 2013 PointsPolygonsPolylines Public Use AirportsUrbanized AreasFreight Analysis Framework (FAF) Alternative Fuel StationsCore Based Statistical AreasHazardous Material Routes Amtrak Stations113 th Congressional DistrictsHighway Performance Monitoring Sys. U.S. Border CrossingsU.S. County BoundariesNat. Highway Planning Network DamsFAF RegionsRailway Network Intermodal Freight Facilities*Hydrographic FeaturesPublic Use Airport Runways Inter. Passenger ConnectivityU.S. Military InstallationsFixed-Guideway Transit Facilities Inland Waterways & LocksMetropolitan Planning Org.Navigable Waterway Network National Bridge InventoryNon Attainment Areas National Populated PlacesNational Park Boundaries Major Ports / PortsU.S. State Boundaries Railroad Bridges Highway/Rail Grade Crossings Travel Monitoring Analysis Sys.
7 U.S. Department of Transportation Research and Innovative Technology Administration Intermodal Passenger Connectivity Webinar Intermodal Freight Facilities and their Connections Aug 28, :30pm to 2:30pm EDT Conference Number(s): Participant Code: Conference Room E New Jersey Avenue, S.E. Washington, DC 20590
8 U.S. Department of Transportation Research and Innovative Technology Administration Making Transportation Data Accessible: Data Services Data services provide a single source for data access via the internet This is an advantage because A single data source can be accessed from numerous locations Multiple interfaces can be developed against a single data source OGIS uses two service types 1.REST Services for publishing spatial data 2.WCF Data Services for publishing non spatial data
9 U.S. Department of Transportation Research and Innovative Technology Administration Web Applications Two Applications have been Published State Facts and Figures Structurally Deficient Bridges Three are being developed Ports Intermodal Passenger Connectivity National Transportation Atlas Users of OGIS web applications will need to download Silverlight
10 U.S. Department of Transportation Research and Innovative Technology Administration The State Facts and Figures Application The application arises from the State Transportation Statistics report published by BTS State Transportation Statistics (STS) are a series of reports highlighting major federal databases and other national sources related to each state's Infrastructure Safety Freight movement Passenger travel Vehicles Economy and finance Energy and the environment Along with tables generated for each state, the reports describe databases and offers information on access, formats, and contact points. The latest data release occurs on Friday, August 30 th, es/ ations/state_transportation_st atistics/index.htmlhttp:// es/ ations/state_transportation_st atistics/index.html
11 U.S. Department of Transportation Research and Innovative Technology Administration The Structurally Deficient Bridges Application The application is based on the National Bridge Inventory (NBI) maintained by the Federal Highway Administration The NBI is a database, compiled by the Federal Highway Administration, with information on all bridges and tunnels in the United States that have roads passing above or below. Bridge information includes Bridge Design Dimensions of the usable portion. Data is often used to analyze bridges and their conditions. The application is restricted to mapping Structurally Deficient Bridges on the National Highway system
12 U.S. Department of Transportation Research and Innovative Technology Administration Deficient Bridges on the National Highway System Upon opening the application presents national and state level reports The national report includes Total, Average, Maximum and Minimum bridge counts for Bridges in the NBI Bridges on the NHS Structurally Deficient Bridges on the NHS A report for each state Bridges in the NBI Bridges on the NHS Structurally Deficient Bridges on the NHS Percentage of Structurally Deficient Bridges
13 U.S. Department of Transportation Research and Innovative Technology Administration Area of Interest (AOI) Users can find Structurally Deficient Bridges (SDBs) in three areas of interest (AOI) States Counties Congressional Districts AOIs are selected using the form in the upper left corner of the application or by clicking on them in the appropriate data grid.
14 U.S. Department of Transportation Research and Innovative Technology Administration State Level Query Querying a State 1.Select States in the AOI drop down 2.Select the desired state Reports bridge counts for the counties within the state NBI Total NHS Total SDB on the NHS Total Percent Deficient Focuses the map on the selected state Retrieves all the Structurally Deficient Bridges in the state Lists them in the Bridge List tab
15 U.S. Department of Transportation Research and Innovative Technology Administration County Level Query Querying a County 1.Select counties in the AOI dropdown 2.Select a state 3.Select the desired county Reports bridge counts for the counties within the state NBI Total NHS Total SDB on the NHS Total Percent Deficient Focuses the map on the selected County Retrieves all the Structurally Deficient Bridges in the County List them in the Bridge List tab
16 U.S. Department of Transportation Research and Innovative Technology Administration Congressional District Level Query Querying a Congressional District 1.Select congressional districts in the AOI dropdown 2.Select a state 3.Select the desired district Reports Structurally Deficient bridge counts for the Congressional Districts within the state Focuses the map on the selected Congressional District Retrieves all the Structurally Deficient Bridges in the Congressional District List them in the Bridge List tab
17 U.S. Department of Transportation Research and Innovative Technology Administration Map Functions Each Structurally Deficient Bridge is symbolized with a white dot on a blue square Rolling over the bridges reveals a map tip in the upper right hand corner of the map. The map tips show The bridges label number The which road the bridge carries The feature intersected And a brief description of the bridges location The background can be changed
18 U.S. Department of Transportation Research and Innovative Technology Administration Applications Under Development Ports Reports about imports and exports Ranking of commodities imported and exported Intermodal Passenger Connectivity How well are passenger carrying modes connected National Transportation Atlas A single application to report statistics about multiple transportation datasets Airports Bridges Major ports Fatal highway crashes Passenger facilities
19 U.S. Department of Transportation Research and Innovative Technology Administration Thanks and Questions