Back to School Night! Welcom e!
My Goal My goal is for each child in this class to leave second grade with a lifelong love of learning and a sense of accomplishment and pride in their efforts and work. My Role Facilitator and guide Provide a classroom environment that is a safe, supportive, collaborative community of scholars Each child has unique strengths and needs that I meet by differentiating instruction to make it authentic and meaningful for each young scholar.
Readers Workshop My number one goal is to create students who love to read. Right now we are building stamina in Readers Workshop. Currently we are reading for 15 minutes a day and our goal is 40 minutes. Students read “Just Right Books” during Workshop. These are books at their independent level. 3
Writers Workshop A close second to building a love of reading would be to build a love of writing! Personal Narratives Opinion Writing Informational Writing 4
Math Workshop Envision Math Math Wall/Math Games Math Talks-Mental Math Problem Solving-Cognitively Guided Instruction, SVMI Direct modeling Counting on Doubles/Near Doubles Making Tens Friendly Numbers (10, 25) Compensation(Give 1, Take 1) Break by Place Value Algorithm 5
Teacher’s Aide Our instructional aide, Kim Crozier, will be working with all children daily during reading groups from 9:00- 10:30.
Hand in your best work! Enter the room prepared to learn. Raise your hand to speak. Obey rules & follow directions quickly. Exit the room leaving your area clean. Show respect to adults and peers. Class Behavior Expectations - We are HEROES!
Positive Classroom Management
We Are Bucket Fillers! Being a bucket filler encourages positive behavior as children see how very easy and rewarding it is to express kindness, appreciation, and love on a daily basis. During the past week, the children have learned the meaning of the terms bucket filling and bucket dipping. They have discovered that when they fill someone's bucket, they fill their own. Our class goal is just like the books message: Why not decide to be a bucket filler today and every day?
Six Pillars of Character Focus on basic values and character education: Caring Citizenship Fairness Trustworthiness Respect Responsibility
Scholarly Behavior Why? Successful people exhibit certain scholarly behaviors Scholarly behaviors maximize student potential Scholarly behaviors explicitly teach students how to be learners Scholarly behaviors value the intellectual process Scholars... Set goals Actively participate Practice Take risks Thirst for knowledge Ponder Are task persistent Are curious
Prize Box Tickets are given to students that are being a Bucket Filler, exhibiting behaviors consistent with the six Pillars of Good Character, and for their scholarly work and behavior.
Super Scholar of the Week This year, each student will be a “Super Scholar of the Week”. Students will complete a poster about themselves that will be shared and displayed throughout their randomly selected week. During this time, the student will also be the classroom helper. I am excited for the students to have a chance to celebrate themselves and be creative!
Birthda ys We love to celebrate everyone's special day! Please let me know if you would like to send or bring in a special snack. Birthday party invitations are only to be handed out at school if everyone in the class is invited. If not, please mail your invitations to avoid hurt feelings.
Library & P.E. Our class is scheduled to go to the Tularcitos School Library each Monday. Please try to ensure that your child’s library book is returned each week so that she/he may check out a new one. Our class will attend PE every Wednesday and Friday! Sports shoes are required.
Homework Homework consists of nightly reading and a weekly packet containing math, writing and spelling practice. Homework goes home Monday and should be returned Friday. A completed homework packet includes 2 spelling activities, all math pages completed, a writing exercise, and a parent signature indicating they have checked the homework and that the student has read each night for 20 minutes. If your child is absent, your child may return the completed homework when they return. Scholars must return their reading book and Book Bag daily as we often use the stories for more than one day and they are needed for rereading. Sometimes the Book Bag will have a phonics word list or sight word flashcards inside. Whatever comes home in the Book Bag should be reviewed with a parent.
Field Trips The children will experience a variety of off-campus fieldtrips throughout the year. These trips are planned to specifically support the second grade curriculum by providing students with a hands-on experience with experts in different fields. Please let me know if you are interested in chaperoning any of our fieldtrips.
Parent Volunteers Your interest and involvement helps your child succeed in school. Our parent volunteers are a vital part of our reading program. Parent volunteers make it possible for me to work in small groups with students at their appropriate level each day. Please see the Volunteer Sign-up sheet to indicate the days that I can schedule you in the classroom. If you are unable to volunteer in the classroom, we will have home projects and field trips with which you might assist. Volunteers will start August 31 st. Look for an for scheduled dates.
--Still Needed-- Room Parent/Parents- to plan parties and coordinate school and PTO activities. Class Photographer-a parent who will attend field trips and parties, take pictures and send the pics to the yearbook committee. 19
Communication As a parent, you are a key component in your child’s education. Learning does not stop when a child walks out the classroom door; it continues and is enhanced at home. This is why the school/home connection is so very important. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. I am looking forward to working with you and your child. Welcome!!! Cathy Weist