Mrs. Rudolph’s Class
About Mrs. Rudolph I am a sixth year teacher I am working on my Masters in Teacher Leadership and an endorsement in Gifted and Talented Education at WKU I have two daughters 6-year-old Kali and 11-month-old Lillian A cat and two dogs I love my church, family, and teaching your children!
To make learning fun and interesting. To create a positive learning environment. To help all students make new friends and respect everyone’s differences. To create strong leaders. MY GOALS
CLASSROOM RULES Rule # 1 Rule # 1 – Listen when your teacher is talking. Rule #2 – Follow directions quickly. Rule #3 – Keep your hands and feet to yourself. Rule #4 – Raise your hand for permission to speak and leave your seat. Rule #5 – Respect yourself, respect others, and respect your school.
Our Class Clip Chart Our class clip chart is a positive classroom management system that encourages leadership behaviors. It also allows for students to redeem themselves after making a poor choice. Students will begin each day on Ready To Learn, then move their Horton up or down the chart depending on their choices.
Daily Rewards for positive behavior Praises Brag Notes (Bucket Fillers) Mystery Motivator Slips LEAD Slips
DATA NOTEBOOKS (SPACEBOOK) This notebook, aka Leader Binder, will be used to communicate behavior, assessment data as well as other important documents. Please look through the binder with your child daily. Your child will be responsible for returning their binder every day.
Our Daily Schedule 8:00 – 8:15: Morning Meeting 8:15 – 8:30: Morning Preparation 8:30 – 10:00: Reading 10:00 – 11:00: Math 11:00 – 11:15: Math or Reading as needed 11:15 – 11:40:A Lunch 11:20 – 11:45:B Lunch 11:45 – 12:45:RTI/Enrichment 12:50 – 1:30: Specials 1:35 – 1:55: Recess 2:00 – 3:00: Theme/Writing 3:00 – 3:15: Reflection 3:15: Dismissal
Please look at Specials Schedule to keep up with daily specials. On P.E. days please make sure your child wears tennis shoes and dresses appropriately. If they do not dress appropriately they will not be able to participate. If your child wears flip flops, they will not be able to play with playground equipment. SPECIAL CLASSES
Transportation Fill out how your child will be going home on the FIRST day of school. Fill out how they will go home MOST of the time in the afternoon. Communicate with your child how they will go home. If transportation changes, please contact the office (send a note or make a phone call).
SUPPLIES See the list in your child’s envelope
LUNCH Our scheduled lunch time is 11:20-11:45 Lunch- $2.00 Breakfast- $1.15 If you are planning to have lunch with your child, please meet us by the office and allow your child to walk back to their room independently. Checks: Please make sure your child’s lunch number is written on their check. Pay with ease at
FORMS, FORMS, FORMS! PLEASE sign and return the needed forms ASAP! Thanks!
SPACE BOOK! These go home every night and come back daily!
HOMEWORK – approx. 10 min. per night - not counting shared reading! Assigned readings will begin in a couple of weeks. Math practice activities will be assigned weekly. READ, READ, READ!!! Reading with your first grader is the most important thing you can do this year!
Parent Volunteers If you can come in and volunteer during the school day, SIGN UP! If I can send things home with your child to be cut out, glued, etc. … SIGN UP! If you can come in and volunteer with curriculum activities during the school day, please SIGN UP! Your help is always needed, welcomed, and appreciated!
Room Parent (s) Takes care of ALL parties by communicating to parents and helps to organize supplies. Volunteers when possible. Any other help is appreciated!
Before you leave remember to: Complete the emergency card in your child’s envelope and leave it with me. Fill out the first day transportation note and leave it with me. Stop by the gym for information on buses, PTO, car riders, ect. Get information on lunches in the cafeteria.
QUESTIONS? Call: Jody Richards Elementary Website: c/teacher.aspx?s=2030
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