(601) Mrs. Horton 6 th grade ELA Dear Parents, I hope you enjoyed the summer, and are looking forward to the start of school. I am so excited to have your child in my class, and I have been anxiously waiting for them to arrive! I believe that you are a very important part of your child’s education, and I look forward to working with you to make 6 th grade a successful year for your learner! I have enclosed a questionnaire for you to fill out about your child. These questions will help you share things about your 6 th grader with me so that I can meet their unique needs. This is going to be a wonderful year full of rich classroom experiences! Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions, comments or concerns. STANDARDS Our classroom instruction will be aligned with the Mississippi College and Career Readiness Standards. These standards will provide an opportunity to prepare Mississippi students for college and workforce expectations. These standards can be found in your syllabus. GRADING SYSTEM INSTRUCTIONAL METHODS CLASSROOM NORMS ACCELERATED READER The 6th grade students are required to earn a minimum of 15 AR points for the first nine weeks. Our goal in making this mandatory is that each student will increase his/her reading grade level by two levels this school year. Students will need to bring an AR book to school and read at home daily. Log on to and use your child’s user name and password to monitor their progress. These books are mandatory! MISSED WORK DATES TO REMEMBER CONSEQUNECES POSITIVE REWARDS PARENTAL INVOLEMENT As parents, you have a significant and long-lasting effect on your child’s growth and development as readers and learners. The success of my effort as a teacher involves you, the parent. Reading with your child daily, asking about school activities and encouraging your child to always do his/her best are powerful ways to enhance success. Thank you for everything you do at home to support us at school. Choose a family reading topic of the month, such as “Sports Stories” or “Mysteries”. Follow up by talking about what you have read. Check out audio books from the library and listen to them with your child. Check your child’s online grades on Active Parent and the teacher’s website to monitor your child’s progress and upcoming activities/assignments. Check for AR Alerts on a bi-weekly basis to make sure that your child is meeting his/her reading goal for the nine weeks. Communicate openly and often with your child’s teacher! Homework Independent Class Assignments Major Projects Skill Quizzes/ AR Quizzes Exams Group Work If a student is absent, the deadline for missed work is equal to the number of days missed plus one day. It is the student’s responsibility to find out what assignments he/she has missed upon returning to school. If a child fails to turn in an assignment, he /she will receive morning or lunch detention to complete the assignment. 66% Major Tests & Projects 34% Class Assignments/ Homework/ Quizzes/ Agenda- Organizational Skills Grading System A… B…80-89 C D…65-69 F…0-64 I… Incomplete NG… No Grade August 21, 2015 August 29, 2015 September 4, 2015 September 18, 2015 September 26, 2015 Be respectful towards the teacher, substitute teacher, and classmates. Follow directions when given. Be in your seat when the bell rings. Bring all books and materials to class daily. Sit in your assigned seat daily. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. Raise your hand before speaking. No talking across the classroom. No eating, drinking, or gum chewing in the classroom. Do not groom (comb/brush your hair or put on make-up) in the classroom. Warnings (1 st & 2 nd ) Teacher / Student Conference Silent Detention (Lunch) Call or parent Refer to counselor Refer to the administrator - corporal punishment, in school suspension, or out of school suspension. Educational Games Snacks Homework Passes Positive Notes or Phone Calls