Unlocking Talent & Potential
‘The system is currently too much of a conveyor belt – it moves children along at a certain pace, but does not deal well with individual needs...’ CBI ‘First Steps – A new approach for our schools’ April 2012
‘... qualifications that are more helpful to the school’s rankings than they are to the individual’s future... ‘ DEMOS, ‘Detoxifying School Accountability’ May2013
‘Every state-funded school must offer a curriculum which is balanced and broadly based and which... prepares pupils at the school for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.’ Department for Education, National Curriculum 2013
‘Outstanding’ schools must provide: ‘… excellent educational experiences at school and these ensure that they are very well equipped for the next stage of their education, training or employment.’ OFSTED Schools Inspection Framework 2012
‘Education should develop each child’s personality and talents to the full.’ United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child Article 29
Connexions, Aim Higher, EBPs Economic Well-Being & Financial Literacy Careers/Enterprise/WRL framework Affordable Higher Education Vocational subjects & WEX (Wolf Review) Enterprise Education funding
Academic Attainment & Progression National Curriculum Reforms League Table ‘Destinations’ & EBacc Impartial Careers Guidance
Aims to build capacity within schools, rather than perpetuate a dependency on funding or external providers. It also aims to integrate areas that have often become islands of activity within schools: CEIAG, Work Experience, Employer Engagement, Work-Related Learning and Enterprise Education. Unlocking Talent & Potential
The outcome is a young person who is confident about their distinctive personality and their unique portfolio of talents, which have been developed throughout their education, and who is clear how these can be applied to benefit themselves and others. Unlocking Talent & Potential
-Local programmes in Birmingham, Bradford & London -SLT consultation with schools to establish requirements -Steering Group to ensure sensitivity to local context -Purposeful engagement of local employers -Impact: Skills & personal aspiration/motivation -Connecting schools and linking practitioners Unlocking Talent & Potential
Educational Priorities Employer Interests Employer Engagement & Briefing ? School Strategy & Staff Training
Self-Assessment Self-Reflection Self-Expression Meaningful Learning Experiences Continuous Student Development Evidence-rich Distinctive CV Educational Priorities School Strategy & Staff Training Employer Interests Employer Engagement & Briefing
Self-Assessment Self-Reflection Self-Expression Meaningful Learning Experiences Continuous Student Development Evidence-rich Distinctive CV Educational Priorities School Strategy & Staff Training Employer Interests Employer Engagement & Briefing
Bringing lessons to life!
‘As children enter your classroom the question is always the same: What’s in it for me? What is the point? Why should I be bothered learning this? …’ Essential Motivation in the Classroom. Ian Gilbert Bringing lessons to life!
‘Business partnerships should be incorporated far deeper into the school curriculum in order to develop young people’s understanding of business, increase their employability ….’ ‘No stone unturned in pursuit of growth’ Michael Heseltine 2012
Bringing lessons to life!
1.‘Can do’ 2.‘Great shopkeeping’ 3.‘One team’ 4.‘Bringing the best out of our people’ 5.‘Great selling and service’ 6.‘Fresh thinking’ Bringing lessons to life!
‘Quality learning experiences in ‘real’ situations have the capacity to raise achievement across a range of subjects and to develop better personal and social skills.’ Learning Outside the Classroom, DfES 2006 Employability AND enriched subject learning
Self-Assessment Self-Reflection Self-Expression Meaningful Learning Experiences Continuous Student Development Evidence-rich Distinctive CV Educational Priorities School Strategy & Staff Training Employer Interests Employer Engagement & Briefing
‘… excellent educational experiences at school and these ensure that they are very well equipped for the next stage of their education, training or employment.’ OFSTED Schools Inspection Framework 2012 Enterprise Entitlement
Careers Education Information Advice & Guidance PSHE & Financial Literacy Enterprise Education Work Experience Work-Related Learning Enterprise Entitlement
‘The passage from education to employment is a complicated one... What should concern us all is that far too many young people are getting lost along the way.’ ‘Education to employment: Designing a system that works’ McKinsey 2012 Enterprise Entitlement
‘We have concerns about the consistency, quality, independence and impartiality of careers guidance now being offered to young people.’ ‘Careers Guidance for young people’ House of Commons Education Committee 2013 Enterprise Entitlement
How is my school helping students: - With transition to secondary school? - Make informed choices at end of KS3? - Weigh up vocational vs academic pathways? - Weigh up college vs sixth form vs employment? - Weigh up the value vs cost of higher education? - Discover if they could start-up a business? Enterprise Entitlement
‘Education should develop each child’s personality and talents to the full.’ United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child Article 29
Unlocking Talent & Potential