Laminar Medica Ltd Quality, Health & Safety, Environmental & Business Continuity Induction Training
Quality Policy We are committed to meeting all requirements of the ISO quality management system and to continuous improvement at all levels and operational areas within the company This commitment is achieved through both the business management and the review process Communication, learning employee awareness and understanding important aspects for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management system. The managing director has ultimate responsibility of all personnel within the organisation.
GMP – Good Manufacturing Practice GMP is a recommendation of our Pharmaceutical customers. Laminar Medica are not GMP compliant, however we have elements of GMP in our processes to ensure the end user is not put at risk. Control of contamination e.g. personal hygiene, no food or drink in the workplace. Product must not come into contact with the floor. Or become contaminated with blood or other bodily fluids. Waste must be segregated with controlled handling and disposal. Pest Control must be in place in all production areas and monitored at regular intervals. Good housekeeping – work areas must be kept clean at all times. Any changes to records must be crossed out and initialled by the person making the change.
BCM - Business Continuity Management Policy: The BCM policy provides LM with a clear commitment towards business continuity management. The main benefits are: Identification of critical assets and major business risks. Response plans ready available in case of an incident. To protect the interests of LM shareholders, employees and customers. To protect products and services to ensure their continuity. All employees are aware of their responsibilities and roles during a major business disruption. Reduce the period of disruption and enable a fast recovery in case of a major business disruption. Improve LM’s ability to reduce the likelihood, financial and operational impact of a major business disruption.
BCM - Business Continuity Management IMRT – Incident Management Response Team. In the event of an incident it is the IMRT’s responsibility to manage the incident e.g. liaise with the emergency services, employees etc. In the event of an incident please contact immediately : Managing Director, Finance Director, Technical Director, Operations Manager or Quality Manager. IMP – Incident Management Plan. Details how to manage the incident and defines actions and responsibilities. BCP- Business Continuity Plan. Details how to manage business continuity and defines actions and responsibilities. BRP – Business Recovery Plan. Details how to manage business recovery to the level prior to the incident. PMP - Pandemic Management Plan. Details how to manage the business in the event of a pandemic e.g. bird flu etc.
Contact Numbers Managing Director / Financial Director / Technical Director / Operations Manager / Quality Manager /
Company Chairman QA & H+S Manager CP / SR Managing Director S R Mould Shop Team Leader SR Laminar Medica (UK) Ltd Safety Personnel Operations Manager SR Systems Controller SR Senior Quality Engineer SR Warehouse Team Leader SR Medicool Team Leader FW SR Technical Director Financial Director Customer Services Manager SFA Sales Manager Validation Manager SR FW Commercial Office Manager FW Packaging Development Technologist FA Warehouse Operative FW Operator Mould Shop FW Operator Mould Shop FA Medicool Operator FA Operator Mould Shop ACFW Medicool Operator FW FA KEY CP = Competent Person SR = Safety Representative CFW = Chief Fire Warden ACFW = Assistant Chief Fire Warden FW = Fire Warden SFA = Senior First Aider FA = First Aider Transport Coordinator SFA FW Specifications Controller CFW SR Sales and Marketing Administrator FW Mould Shop Operator FW Night Shift Team Leader FW FA Tool Setter Team Leader SR Sales and Marketing Administrator FA R&D Manager FW Facilities Manager SR FW
Health and Safety Policy: Directors and Senior Managers implement the employer’s responsibilities and are accountable for ensuring that Health and Safety is established. Line Managers and Supervisors have a responsibility to ensure that Health and Safety is effectively established in their area of control. Other Persons – e.g. employees, contractors have a responsibility for the Health and Safety and Duty of Care for those that might be affected by their acts or omissions. Health and Safety Practitioners have a responsibility to provide advice and assistance but does not remove the Line Management’s responsibility for Health and Safety but provides support to Line Managers in fulfilling their responsibilities. Employees have a responsibility to take care of their own Health and Safety and that of others who may be affected by their acts or omissions. To cooperate with the employer or another person so far as is necessary as to ensure that the employer can comply with his statutory obligations.
Laminar Medica aims to be an environmentally conscious company, by acknowledging the impact that our operations may potentially have on the environment. The clear objective of Laminar Medica is to minimise any impact on the environment by: Commitment to developing an effective Environmental Management System (EMS) in compliance with EN ISO Comply as a minimum, all obligations laid down in legislation and appropriate Codes of Practice and to attain, where feasible, standards in excess of those required by statute. Communicate its’ aims and objectives to all stakeholders, by raising awareness, encouraging participation and training of employees in environmental matters and the effects of their activities. Encourage and monitor similar environmental standards from all suppliers and contractors. Continually improve, perform regular environmental reviews and set new targets and objectives. Regular monitoring of all aspects of Laminar Medica’s impacts on the environment. Minimise the production of waste and maximise the recycling of waste and customer recyclate, so minimising discharges to landfill. Environmental Policy Statement:
Environmental Policy Statement Continued Committed to the reduction in the use of resources, through continual improvement. Technical innovations are researched & developed to account for their environmental impact. Ensure that new plant, processes and practices are assessed for their environmental impact, incorporating positive environmental impacts where possible. Committed to noise reduction and control, monitoring and assessment. Encourage use of transport in a way which minimises the negative environmental effects. Ensure effective and expedient incident control, investigation and reporting. Comply with Codes of Practice on storage of oils and other materials potentially harmful to the environment. This policy will be openly available to all employees and the public. The directors have overall responsibility for all environmental matters. The operation of this policy and the associated procedures will be monitored and reviewed on a regular basis to ensure that they remain current and applicable to the company’s activities. This policy has been endorsed by the board of directors which gives its full support to its implementation.
Waste Management : Laminar Medica’s recycled waste is now segregated and recycled, the most obvious being waste paper & wooden pallets. The aim is for further improvements in this area to be achieved by " source- segregation" i.e. sorting the various materials (e.g. cans, plastic cups, etc.) at the point they are disposed of.
Discovering a fire & safety devices (alarms & lighting) Activate the fire alarm from the nearest call point. If possible, rescue and/or assist anyone in immediate danger. If not possible, report their location to fire officials. Close doors in the fire area. Tackle the fire with fire fighting equipment (FFE) only if trained/confident. This is dependent on the type/magnitude of fire. Evacuate to a safe location using the nearest fire exit. Call 999 to report the fire. When you dial 999 the first person you speak to is a telephone operator who will ask which emergency service you require. You will then be connected to the fire and rescue service control room The fire service operator will ask for the address of the fire or incident Follow these simple instructions to help the fire service help you: 1.Tell the operator: 2.The name and number of the house or building if it is relevant( unit 4, 14, 5 tring Industrial Estate, Icknield Way, Tring, HP23 4JX) 3. The road or street name 4. The village or town 5. Why you need the fire service
Fire Signage Evacuation Procedures as previous page. 8 fire wardens in Unit 4, 6 fire wardens in Unit 14, 1 fire warden in Unit 5 Assembly Points. Car Park Units 4& 14. Outside Unit 5. Fire Exits signs are shown above the exits In the event of a fire Laminar has:
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) High Viz Jackets Safety Footwear Glasses Ear Defenders Gloves Inside the shaded area of the blue line, high viz jackets must be worn Unit 14 Unit 4
Designated Smoking Areas: Laminar Medica has designated smoking areas – map showing areas
Smoking is prohibited in all enclosed and substantially enclosed premises in the workplace. The following applies; Smoking is not allowed in any part of the company premises or grounds except in the designated smoking areas located at unit 4 and unit 14, there is no designated smoking area in unit 5D. A schematic showing designated areas is on display on the company notice boards. Smoking is not allowed in company vehicles. Smokers are requested not to smoke immediately outside any work company entrance or windows ”where such are located on company property borders” as entrances and windows within company borders cannot be smoked outside unless it is a designated area. This policy applies to all employees, consultants, contractors, customers and visitors. Laminar Medica Smoking at work Policy:
Safe Lifting Techniques: Position your body directly in front of and close to the item. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart to give the body a solid foundation. Tighten your stomach muscles to help support the back. Bend both at the hips and knees (power position) and squat close to the item. Take hold of the item and bring it close to your body. The way the item is held depends on its size and shape. Before lifting, remember: Keep your stomach muscles tight Look straight ahead Do not twist or turn your body while lifting Lift using the leg muscles, keeping the spine straight or tall Take your time, smoothly lift the item; avoid jerking movements Do not lift (or carry) items above the waist. When carrying the item, keep your knees slightly bent, take small steps, and use your feet to change direction (e.g. pivot).
Check the notice boards in Units 4, 5D and 14 to find out who the First Aid Persons and Fire Wardens are in your area. Also check the notice boards to find out who the Safety Representatives are in your area. Should you have any Health and Safety concerns please notify your Team Leader or your Safety Representative who will raise the concern on your behalf at the safety committee meeting which is held on the first Thursday of each month. Please familiarise yourself with the information provided on the Heath and Safety notice boards which are located in the corridor outside the canteens in each unit. Canteen areas are provided for your recreation please ensure that you leave them clean at all times and should any spillage occur please clean it up immediately. Laminar Medica First Aid Persons, Fire Wardens and Safety Representatives