Before We Begin… Students that are not assessed before the start of school are not penalized! This assessment does not effect their placement or program. This assessment is for informational purposes for your child’s teacher. This assessment will allow us to implement an appropriate program for your child!
Boo Hoo Yahoo Breakfast After delivering your students to their classes, please join all of our kindergarten parents for a breakfast in your honor. The breakfast, hosted by Summerwood PTO will be held at 8:00 Monday morning in the cafeteria. This is a great opportunity to meet and greet with other kindergarten parents.
Supply Sorters If you are interested, please come back to the kindergarten hall after the Boo Hoo Yahoo Breakfast to help sort school supplies. The supplies will be waiting outside each classroom with instructions. We appreciate all the help we can get!
Star Gazer Summerwood’s Newspaper Star Gazer will be posted on the school website weekly. Please look at it for important information including school news, upcoming events calendar, weekly cafeteria menu, reminders and fundraiser information.
Take Home Folders Kindergarten Take Home Folders should be returned to school daily. Daily Behavior Charts should be reviewed and initialed daily. All communication should be placed in the folder not in backpacks. This saves any guesswork on where to look for communication between teacher & family. Please clip lunch money on the top in an envelope labeled with name of child & teacher.
Activity Fund A $30.00 donation for Activity Fund is requested and appreciated. These funds are used for: Field Trips Special Projects Lesson Materials Please turn in your cash or check to your child’s teacher. Checks can be made out to SWE.
Discipline Plan Kindergarten Behavior is tracked on a colored chart. Each instance of breaking a class rule will result in moving a clip down one color. Behavior will be noted in daily folder.
Student Absences You can report student absences by calling your child’s teacher, sending an , or by calling the Attendance Line at Please inform your child’s teacher of an absence if you know prior to the date. mustUpon returning to school, students must bring a note stating the dates absent and a parent signature.
Change of Clothing We are asking that all kindergartners keep a change of clothing (weather appropriate) in their backpack in case of emergency. Please provide a complete set of clothing in a Ziploc bag. Any soiled clothing will be placed in the Ziploc bag and returned to the backpack. Please check these bags daily for soiled clothing.
Label Your Child’s Clothing Please make sure all items of clothing that your child may remove during school is labeled clearly with the child’s name. Last year, many items were lost or never claimed. Any unclaimed items are sent to HAAM
Snacks & Water Bottles Students are encouraged to bring a snack and water bottle to class. Snacks must be dry, healthy, disposable finger foods. Water Bottles must contain non-flavored water only. No juice, sports drinks or sodas. Sport tops are preferred.
Cafeteria Menu and Payment You can access the Cafeteria Menu by telephone at or by internet at You can put money on your child’s lunch account instead of sending money daily. You can send in cash, checks (made out to SWE) or you can pay online using a credit card at School lunch is $1.85 School breakfast is $1.20 Milk is $0.50
Kindergarten Communication You can access the kindergarten website by going to Academic Information Kindergarten Schedule Teacher Contact Form We are looking at handling all grade level notes through .
Changes in Transportation Transportation changes will not be made unless there is communication from the parent. Changes in your child’s transportation must be made in writing or by voic . We will not accept word of mouth instructions from your child. Changes will not be made after 12:00pm (unless emergency).
Arrival Guidelines Bus Students/Daycare: Kindergarten bus students will be escorted to the Early Learning Wing room from the Cafeteria bus stop. Walkers/Bikers and Car Riders: All students will enter the Early Learning Wing through the doors located on the east side of the building. Cars will form and remain in a single line until your student is out of your car. The doors will close and locked at 7:50 a.m. You may walk your child to the classroom Monday and Tuesday of the first week if you choose.
Dismissal Guidelines Cars need to form ONE line for pick-up. For safety reasons, we will not cross students in front of cars. Bus Students/Daycare: Kindergarten bus students will be escorted to the loading area at the Cafeteria doors. Walkers/Bikers: For the ultimate safety of our kindergarten students, students will not be released without an adult escort.. Once the students have been dismissed they will wait in a line under the Early Learning Covered Area. When the student sees their adult, the student will raise their hand, and the teacher will dismiss them to you. We are also asking that parents of walkers wait under the covered area near the playground. Please do not block the back door for dismissal. Car Riders: Cars will enter the loading area with the placard in full view. Teachers will call for the rider and help them into the car. If the driver would like to meet their child, please get out of the line, park your car, and proceed to the Parent Waiting Area. The doors will be closed and locked at 2:05p.m. All children here after 2:05 will be taken to the office and you will have to sign your child out.
Car Rider Placard Student’s First Name Student’s Last Name Teacher’s Name Please write your info in broad black ink (marker)
Bus Riders Only consider your child a bus rider, if you have received confirmation from transportation or the bus driver.
Birthday Treats We will not be serving edible treats for birthdays. You may send a class set of items with your child to celebrate their birthday.
The Shelf “The Shelf” is located in the front entry hall. Once school has begun, please place any items for your child on the cart. Students will have the opportunity to get the items. This saves disruptions in the classroom.
Home to School Transition Each child has his/her own level of emotional development. What may be a simple transition for your child might be more difficult for another. In order to meet the needs of all our children at Summerwood Elementary, we respectfully request that you do not visit your child’s classroom or lunchroom the first two weeks of school.
A Glimpse of our Day 7:30-8:00 Arrival 8:00-8:10 Morning Meeting (attendance/lunch count) 8:15-10:30 Literacy Block 10:30-11:05 Lunch 11:15-11:35 Recess 11:40-12:10 Specials 12:10-1:00 Math Block 1:00-1:40 Science Block 1:40-1:50 Pack & Stack 1:50 Dismissal