Production Design Dick Tracy Batman Returns Hugo
Basic Tools of Production Design: Sets Do the Right Thing (p. 97) Dr. Strangelove (p. 96) Gone with the Wind (p. 89) Costumes My Fair Lady, Star Wars and Dracula (pp ) Mattes and Miniatures Black Narcissus (p. 98) North by Northwest (p. 99) Fight Club (p. 99) Zodiac (p. 100) Lord of the Rings (p. 102)
Evolution of Design Styles in Sci-Fi Films German Expressionism ( ) Film Noir ( ) Futuristic Modernist Style: 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) Modernist/Noir: Alien (1979) Future Noir: Blade Runner (1982) Hollywood Style Realism: Star Wars (1977) The Fifth Element (1997)
Acting in Film Five Unique Characteristics That Shape Film Acting: What Are They?
Stars The Star Persona Composite personality established across many films Greater than the performance in any single film Actors with Narrow Range Arnold Schwarzenegger Julia Roberts Actors with Broad Range Meryl Streep Denzel Washington
Technical Acting Dominant style of screen performance during 1930s-1950s (also called English style) Little emphasis on introspection and emotion Creation of character from careful observation Starts with the outside world, rather than looking within for reality
Method Internalized, richly psychological performance style Formal training at New York’s Actor’s Studio Emotional memory and sense recall exercises Emphasis on inhabiting the character psychologically
Method Method Acting Begins with Lee Strasberg’s NY workshops Brought to cinema in the 1950s by new generation of actors Paul Newman, Marlon Brando, Montgomery Clift Currently the most influential US acting style Robert DeNiro, Sean Penn, Dustin Hoffman, Al Pacino
The Actor As an Element of Visual Design Unique body language of the performer Typage Social Psychological Choreographing performance Integrating it with lighting, camera position and movement: Notorious