First Grade Back to School Night Sept. 9, 2014
Important Contact Information ( Ms. Wright –student teacher) Main Office: (301) 805-1000 Visit our website:
School Rules Follow all adult directions. Show respect to all people and their property. Raise your hand and be recognized before speaking. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. Walk silently and carry a pass when in the building.
Consequences We will use logical consequences based on the behavior. Verbal Reminder. Time out within the classroom. Loss of privileges and a note home. Time out in another classroom and a phone call home. Documented referral to the office. Vice Principal will contact parent.
Rewards Positive notes home. Class freebies (free reading time, free HW pass, etc.) Stickers or prizes. Lunch with the teacher. Visit the principal.
Responsibility Chart Daily behavior is recorded. Initial and return daily. Prizes given on Fri. for good behavior.
Our Schedule 9:00-9:15- Arrival 9:15-11:15- Reading/L.A. 11:15-11:45- Lunch 11:45-12:05- Recess 12:05-12:50- Science 12:50-1:55- Math 1:55-2:25- Social Studies/Specials 2:25-2:55- Social Studies/Specials 2:55-3:25- Language Arts 3:25- Dismissal
Homework Needs to be completed daily (does count towards students’ final grades). Students will have one review sheet (either reading, math, science, or social studies related) per night Students will also have one Spelling assignment per night. This should be completed in their Homework Journals-Spelling hw will begin in the middle of Sept. Spelling tests are on Fridays. Students are also expected to read for 15 min. a day. (Campbell’s Crew)
Grading Factors and Standards Grades are weighted based on: 40% Assessments 55% Classwork 5% Homework Star-PR Proficient Smiley- IP In Process Check Plus- EM Emerging Check -ND Needs development TL- To be taught later
Grading Factors and Standards Percentage Equivalents: Proficient (PR) 90% - 100% In Progress (IP) 80% - 89% Emerging (EM) 70% - 79% Needs development (ND) (69% and below)
Students progress will be graded by the degree of accomplishment as determined by: 1. Tests and quizzes 2. Demonstration of performance objectives (tasks) 3. Quality of written work 4. Class participation 5. Team cooperation (when applicable) 6. Completion of homework
Student work habits will be graded by the degree of accomplishment as determined by: 1. Completeness of assignments 2. Regularity of which assignments are completed and turned in 3. Organization of supplies and materials 4. Following directions and class rules Attendance is an important aspect of student performance. Tests may be made up if there is an excused absence.
Dismissal Procedures Bus riders will walk out to the front of the building when buses are called and board the bus Please meet walkers and car riders near the black fence at the front of the school (near the K-1st playground) Please call or send in a note with your child if plans change with your child’s daily dismissal routine
Sight Words
Proper Letter Formation
Parent Volunteers Are Always Needed Join PTA. If interested please contact us. Any amount of time is GREATLY appreciated. Conferences will be November 11th.
Wish List Dry Erase Markers Recess Equipment (jump ropes, balls) Small prizes for prize box