MCA11 BROTHERS & CO Metro Christian Academy 2011Parent Survey
MCA11 BROTHERS & CO Overview 401 Respondents 94% Parents, 4.5% Parent/Alumni 62.8% completed by Mom, 16.3% by Dad, 20.6% by both 44.3% have a child in grades 9 -12
MCA11 BROTHERS & CO Please indicate the number of children you have in each of the following grade ranges: Respondents have students across all grade levels. Middle School and High School both with over 40%.
MCA11 BROTHERS & CO 5% Home-schooled (11.8% in 2009, 10.9% in 2007, 11.1% in 2005) 68% in public school (61% 2009, 56.5% 2007, 58% in 2005) 26.7% in other private schools (26% 2009, 32.6% 2007, 31% in 2005) 15% have school-age children who do not attend Metro Roughly ½ plan to bring their kids to Metro in the future
MCA11 BROTHERS & CO 69% – Friends and family ( 84%, % in 2007, 83.5% in 2005) 11.5% – Church (9.9%, 2009, 9.9% in 2007, 10.8% in 2005) 9% – Local advertising/marketing (18.2%, % in 2007, 13.3% in 2005) 2% – Telephone directory ( 4%, 2009, 4.1% in 2007, 2.4% in 2005) 10% – Other (Online, local knowledge/always known, graduated from MCA) Most people hear about us through word of mouth.
MCA11 BROTHERS & CO 77% of people considered other schools before choosing Metro.
MCA11 BROTHERS & CO Christian Environment is the #1 Reason People Choose Metro
MCA11 BROTHERS & CO 05 – 09: To what extent do each of the following describe Metro Christian Academy? (Top Two/Bottom Two)
MCA11 BROTHERS & CO 2011: To what extent do each of the following describe Metro Christian Academy? (Top Two/Bottom Two)
MCA11 BROTHERS & CO Overall Satisfaction Level (Top Two/Bottom Two of a 1-6 rating)
MCA11 BROTHERS & CO Overall Satisfaction Level (Top Two/Bottom Two of a 1-6 rating)
MCA11 BROTHERS & CO What’s important to you in a school for your children?
MCA11 BROTHERS & CO Do you feel when a problem arises your concerns are addressed to your satisfaction?
MCA11 BROTHERS & CO Do you feel your child is prepared for the next grade level?
MCA11 BROTHERS & CO Over half believe their child is “Very Much On Track” as it pertains to Academic Progress.
MCA11 BROTHERS & CO Most are happy with the amount of communication received from teachers.
MCA11 BROTHERS & CO Most believe the academic challenge at Metro to be appropriate.
MCA11 BROTHERS & CO Most believe the amount homework given is just right.
MCA11 BROTHERS & CO Emphasis on extra-curricular activities is perceived to be just right by most.
MCA11 BROTHERS & CO Top 5 Attributes in a School vs. Metro’s Delivery 2007 Top Box
MCA11 BROTHERS & CO Top 5 Attributes in a School vs. Metro’s Delivery 2009 Top Box
MCA11 BROTHERS & CO Attribute delivery by grade level.
MCA11 BROTHERS & CO Attribute delivery by grade level (top two boxes).
MCA11 BROTHERS & CO In general, is the behavior of Metro students consistent with your expectations of students in a private, Christian School?
MCA11 BROTHERS & CO What word describes the atmosphere at Metro Christian Academy in regard to your experience as a parent.
MCA11 BROTHERS & CO What word describes the atmosphere at Metro Christian Academy in regard to your child’s perspective?
MCA11 BROTHERS & CO How do you prefer to receive communication updates?
MCA11 BROTHERS & CO Educational value received from MCA vs. Cost of Tuition
MCA11 BROTHERS & CO Educational value received from MCA vs. Cost of Tuition
MCA11 BROTHERS & CO Perception of Tuition
MCA11 BROTHERS & CO Should we drop the fall campaign and raise tuition?
MCA11 BROTHERS & CO Three Areas Metro Excels: Academics/College Prep29.23% Christian environment/values23.46% Faculty/staff/admin/leadership14.23% Community/friendly/family environment7.30% Sports/Athletics4.23% Academics, College Prep, Education34.2% Faculty: Good/Great Christian Teachers26.9% Culture: Fostering Christian Character/Values, Christian Culture, Good Behavior 17.0% Culture: Balancing Spiritual, Physical/Activities and Academics13.5% Culture: Community/Relationships/Family Atmosphere13.5% Academics: Availability of diverse classes, special & activities/Variety of Programs, Extra Curricular 12.7% 2011
MCA11 BROTHERS & CO Three Areas Metro Needs to Improve: Faculty (Quality, accountability, nurturing, inconsistent)8.59% Discipline (Consistency, stronger, less tolerance)6.78% Christian Focus (Bible class, moral standards, spiritual growth, chapel content)4.97% Facilities (elementary, cleanliness)4.97% Communication (More notice on activities, organization, calls, new families, teachers) 4.52% Discipline (focus on problems - troublemakers,remove troublemakers/bullies, be consistent, continuous, aggressive with bullying situations) 12.0% Discipline/Consistency in discipline (Use handbook,enforce policies/rules in class and on campus; don’t allow disrespectful behavor or student disruptions) 11.7% Christian Focus: worldview integration, bible classes, prayer, modeling behavior, values and character 7.5%
MCA11 BROTHERS & CO Metro parents are generally satisfied with their experience at Metro Christian. Identify areas in which we’d like to know more, make suggestions for research modification. Explore best practices for areas in which we excel. Action plans for areas of improvement. Pray. Concluding Thoughts & Next Steps