Attendance It is very important that your child be at school everyday. If your child has a fever or has been vomiting then they need to stay home. Be on time - Class starts at 9:00 am (10:00 on Wednesdays) Classroom doors are open 15 minutes before School doors open for breakfast at 8:30
Behavior Expectations Be Safe Be Respectful Be Responsible These are followed school wide as well as in the classroom Teachers and students work very hard to make Cherry Park a calm quiet place for learning
Five Classroom Rules Follow Directions Quickly Raise your hand for permission to speak Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat. Make smart choices Make the dear teacher happy
Rewards Charger coins (class) Charger cards (individuals)
Levels of Discipline Depending on the severity of the situation, the student would first be given a reminder or warning of the incorrect behavior The student would be asked to move to another spot in the room or to take a short break in another classroom If behaviors continue, a minor would written. This is a way to communicate with you. Problems of a more severe nature would lead to a written referral
Volunteer Opportunities We love volunteers! Volunteer request forms were sent home Once routines, schedules, groups are formed, we will be organizing our volunteers Thank you for your help
Word and Picture Books Decodable Text Leveled Readers Story Books Poetry
Reading At Home Read daily at home with your child Discuss the story with your child Enjoy the time together.