Welcome to the Youth Health Service Corps! Students helping to create healthier communities through volunteer service…
Mission of the YHSC To prepare you to volunteer in community settings that serve vulnerable populations. To help you become more aware of the broad range of careers in health care and related fields. To help you decide if a career in health care is for you!
Benefits of joining the YHSC Become part of your community. Help fill a large need for community service. Acquire “real life” experience in health care settings. Prepare for a future in health care. Help build your resume for work or college.
YHSC Training Modules Tier 1- (4 hours) Intro, Vulnerable Populations, Ethical & Legal Issues, Applied Health Services Tier 2- (4 hours) Cultural Competency, Health Education/Disease Prevention, Health Career Exploration Tier 3- (4 hours) Health Observation, Emergency Preparedness, Peer Education/Leadership CPR & AED Certification- (4 hours)
YHSC Service Projects You can choose to participate in service learning tracks based on your interest. Oral Hygiene Nutrition Emergency Preparedness Other specific projects in your community
Preparing to Volunteer Volunteer Service in the YHSC –Before you volunteer you must attend Tier 1 training. –Submit all health forms & parent permission. –Volunteer agreements must be signed by all. –Once placed you are expected to fulfill 10 hours of service. –Report to volunteer supervisor / agency on time following all rules & dress code of the YHSC and agency.
Before you volunteer ask your self: How much time do I have to give to volunteering? Do I want ongoing regularly scheduled or short- term assignments? Do I want to work alone or with a group? What talents or skills do I offer? What health career am I interested in? What would I most like to learn when I volunteer? What population do I want to work with? Do I have transportation?
Rules for YHSC Training Respect for each other at all times! Personal information shared does not leave the room. No rude or foul language. Appropriate dress code. Please add to the list! Also- Have Fun!