Vocab. 8 Let’s prep for our next test!!
Compose the Following Sentences! FIVE sentences All must use vocab. 8 words All must be about SPRING! At least TWO must use figurative language!
The Hero’s Journey
ACT I: The Departure 4. Meeting with Mentor – provides the hero with aid in overcoming the refusal. *can be a flashback or memory* 3. Refusal of Call – the hero experiences fear and balks at the threshold of adventure. 2. Call to Adventure – the hero is presented with a problem that needs solving. 1. Ordinary World – Introduces the ordinary world where the hero lives.
ACT II: The Initiation 4. Reward – the hero takes possession of the reward, some elixir that can heal the land or himself. 3. Ordeal – The hero faces his greatest fear and the possibility of death where the audience is held in suspense and tension. 2. Approach to the Inner-most Cave – the hero comes to the edge of a dangerous place. Usually, the hero stops at the edge to prepare, plan, and outwit the villain. 1. Tests, Allies, Enemies – the hero encounters challenges, makes allies, and enemies.
ACT III: The Return 3. Return with Elixir – the hero returns to the Ordinary World with some new knowledge/gift that is useful to the community or himself. 2. Resurrection – the hero faces the last ordeal of death and survives before returning to the ordinary world. 1. The Road Back – the hero confronts the dark side that arises out of taking the reward.
Some Modern Examples Luke Skywalker in Star Wars Neo in The Matrix Harry Potter in those movies of his Frodo Baggins in The Lord of the Rings Maximus in Gladiator Simba in The Lion King Ender Wiggin in Ender’s Game Many, many others (can you think of any?)
How to Cite a Movie in MLA The Last Unicorn. Dir. Jules Bass and Arthur Rankin Jr. Perf. Alan Arkin, Mia Farrow, Jeff Bridges and Christopher Lee. ITC Films, DVD. At this moment Luke wonders, “Maybe I’m a Jedi, like my father” (Star Wars: A New Hope).