A Conservative Movement Emerges
The Conservative Backlash 1980: One-third of America was on some type of welfare Entitlement Programs: government programs that guaranteed and provided benefits to particular groups New Right: conservative group stressing cultural, social and moral issues Opposed legal abortion Saw affirmative action as reverse discrimination
The Conservative Coalition Made up of intellectuals, business leaders, frustrated middle-class voters, disaffected Democrats, and fundamental Christian groups Opposed to big government, entitlements, and affirmative action
Moral Majority Consisted of fundamental Christians Interpreted the Bible literally Argued for the restoration of traditional moral values
Conservatives Win Political Power Four goals of conservatism: 1. Shrink the federal government and lower spending 2. Promote traditional morality and values 3. Reduce government regulations on business and lower taxes 4. Strengthen national defense
1980 Presidential Election Jimmy Carter vs. Ronald Reagan Carter’s popularity had fallen off as a result of a bad economy and the Iranian hostage crisis Reagan was a former movie star who was charismatic and very likeable “A recession is when your neighbor loses his job. A depression is when you lose yours. A recovery is when Jimmy Carter loses his” Reagan won the election
Reagan’s Policies Reaganomics: Reagan’s economic policy called for large tax cuts to increase private investments, which would increase the supply of goods and services Defense Strategic Defense Initiative: Nicknamed “Star Wars”-a defense against nuclear attack.
Sandra Day O’Connor Reagan nominated her to the Supreme Court. The first woman to serve in that capacity.
Assassination Attempt March 30, 1981 John Hinckley, Jr., a mentally ill man, opens fire on the president and his entourage Reagan is hit in the lung and must undergo surgery.