I’m glad you’re here!
Daily Schedule Morning Work 8:15-8:30 attendance/bell ringer Intervention: 8:30-9:00 Reading: 9:00-11:09 Lunch: 11:09-11:39 Social Studies/Science: 11:39-12:15 Specials: 12:15-1:05 (Music, Media, PE, PE, PE) Math: 1:05-2:05 Recess/Storytime: 2:05-2:30 Centers/Skill review/intervention: 2:30-3:00 Handstamps/folders/clean-up: 3:00-3:05 Dismissal: 3:05
Snack Time Students can pack a healthy snack to eat at the end of the day.
At-home responsibilities: Review weekly homework in folder Read any take home readers sent home in envelope. Parent/Guardian should sign back of envelope indicating book was read to parent. Return any necessary forms to school sent from office.
Razkids Starfall Mobymath Istation These programs are being used at school and can be used at home with your child. Computer Assisted Instruction
Curriculum Curriculum/Textbooks Lake County’s curriculum can be found at lake.k12.fl.us in the Curriculum Department page.lake.k12.fl.us ELA – Wonders by McGraw-Hill Math – GO! Math by Harcourt Science – Interactive Science by Pearson Social Studies – My World by Pearson
Curriculum Expectations Moving toward Common Core Tests are more complex and challenging due to an emphasis on higher rigor. We are trying to move to a paperless system. What does this mean? 1. Students will be required to do more writing and copy down from the board more. 2. We will not use as many worksheets to teach/practice/learn skills.
State Testing What will the Florida FCAT replacement test require my child to do? Information can be found at the Florida Dept. of Education’s Website ( in the “Online Portal and Resourceswww.fldoe.org for the Florida State Assessments” link. alking-to-parents-about-the-ccss/ 3 rd Grade is a Pass/Fail Grade
State Testing Cont.
Once inside the portal, click on “Training Tests”.
State Testing Format H.O.T Text questions (higher order thinking) Multi-Select Questions: Requires students to select all applicable words or phrases. Example: Select ALL words or phrases from the text. Open Response: Text Evidence:
Daily Expectations Daily expectations for your child: Arrive at school on time. Be prepared with materials. Have a positive attitude. Eager to learn.
Classroom Expectations 1. Show respect to others and to school property. 2. Participate in class activities. 3. Raise your hand to speak. 4. Follow directions and school rules. 5. Work hard and do your very best. 6. Treat others the way you want to be treated.
Classroom Rules 1. No talking while the teacher is talking. 2. Listen quietly while others are speaking. 3. Follow directions the first time given. 4. Be respectful and polite to others. 5. Stay seated while the teacher is talking. Absolutely NO BULLYING will be tolerated. No electronic devices allowed. If I see them, they will be taken and the parents will have to come and pick them up.
Classroom Management Behavior shape Rewards! Treasure box on Friday Outside incentive time Privileges in the classroom Student of the Month Stickers and treats
Classroom Management Cont. Consequences: Five to ten minutes of quiet time at desk No treasure box on Friday Parent contact by note, phone, or
Checking out, absences, tardies Please limit to as few as possible, but please do NOT come to school with a fever, even if you have given your child fever-reducing medicine. They will still be contagious! Students are responsible for getting their make- up work and completing it within five days after an absence (checking out - next day) Weekly head checks are given on Fridays and anyone sent home must be cleared through the nurse before attending school.
Field Trip Christmas Tree Farm December Zoo March Volunteering: If you want to volunteer you must have the correct paperwork completed and turned in. Please check with the office to make sure you are on the list.
Thank You For Attending If you would like to discuss your child’s grades, behavior, or have any concerns that were not addressed during this curriculum night, please sign your name on the sheet by the door and we can schedule a conference.