Houser Kindergarten “Soaring To SuperHero Heights” Parent Information Night 2013
Daily Schedule 7:30 am Building is Open 7:50 am Students enter classroom 8:00 am Morning Announcements 8:15 am Language Arts Instruction / Seat Work / Centers 10:15 am Writer’s Workshop 11:00 am Lunch / Recess 12:00 pm Restroom / Drink Break 12:15 pm Calendar 12:30 pm Math Instruction / Seat Work / Centers 1:15 pm Social / Science/ Health 1:55 pm Specials (P.E., Library, Music, Art) 3:00 pm Dismissal
Conference Times ● My scheduled conference time is from 2:05- 2:50 p.m. (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday) ● If this time does not work for you, please let me know and we can schedule a different time. (Phone conferences available upon request.)
LUNCH Information * If you are sending a check to be put into your child's account, please include their student ID on the memo line. (You can check the balance of your child’s lunch account online when you sign up for a parent access account.) * Please make sure your child's name is on their lunch kit. * Parents are welcome to eat with their children at the tables that sit in the middle of the cafeteria. This prevents overcrowding at the student tables.
Homework * Students should read everyday. * Students should practice writing their first and last name everyday. * Students should practice counting objects and writing their numbers * Students should review their letters/sounds daily. * Students should review sight words daily.
Daily Folders ● RETURN FOLDERS DAILY! ● Read and initial behavior report ● Empty folder and review papers Tuesday Folders ● RETURN FOLDERS Wednesday ● Empty folder and review papers Reading Folders ● RETURN FOLDERS DAILY! ● Read assigned book and initial reading log
Friendly Reminders Parent volunteers need to register online before serving in the classroom on a regular basis. Students should dress for the weather and wear appropriate shoes, jackets, etc. Please label clothing items. Students are allowed to bring small water bottles. (please label) Students should wear appropriate shoes for P.E. Students should be able to independently fasten clothing/shoes. Students should be able to load and unload backpack. (Check zippers, straps,etc.)
Transportation ● If your child's transportation is going to change, please send a dated note, the day of the change. ● Car riders must have the sign placed in the car window to be picked up from the line. If you forget your tag, you MUST come inside and show ID to sign out your child. ● Only people on your child's emergency contact card will be allowed to pick them up.
What is your child expected to learn this year? ● Identify parts of a book, follow and retell a story ● Rhyme words ● Identify all upper and lowercase letters and produce the sounds ● Write first & last name using both capital & lower case letters ● Write a passage using beginning, middle, ending sounds ● Read 35 Sight words ● DRA Level 4 or higher ● Count to 100 ● Identify and Write numbers 0-20 ● Identify shapes and patterns ● Read graphs ● Solve simple joining & separating story problems
Classroom Management Procedures Rules 1. Follow Directions Quickly. 2. Raise your hand for permission to speak. 3. Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat 4. Keep your hands and your feet to yourself. 5. Do your best! Daily Behavior Record – Color Coded System Purple – Super Star Student Green – Ready to Learn Yellow – Oops! I made a mistake. Orange – Needs improvement. Red – Note home OR parent contact. “Houser” dollars given to students who are behaving appropriately. Houser dollars will be spent in the Houser Hawk store.