Non-Profit & Non-Governmental Organizations NPO’s operate in a business-like manner but without the profit being the major objective Sometimes referred to as Merit Goods They aim to provide a service or to promote special causes –Libraries; museums, hospitals, charities etc
Merit Goods These are services which people thing should be provided in greater quantities If the individual is left to decide whether or not to pay for these goods, some may choose not to, or may not be able to.
NGO’s Operates in the private sector, ie it is not controlled by the government They do not aim primarily to make a profit Are set up and operate for the benefit of others in society –Also known as Private Voluntary Organizations –Amnesty International, Unicef etc
Types of NGO’s Operational NGO’s –Established from a given objective or purpose –Tend to be involved in relief-based and community projects OxFam and Unicef Advocacy NGO’s –Take a more aggressive approach to promote and defend a cause –Direct action and lobbying GreenPeace and Amnesty International
Charities A registered NPO with the key function of collecting donations from individuals and businesses in order to support a cause that is beneficial to society Use a variety of marketing methods to attract donor attention –Oxfam and World Wildlife Fund Some charities have very complex structures and are run by a Board of Directors similar to a large corporation
Advantages of Charities Provide financial support for the benefit of society Exempt from paying taxes Donors receive income tax benefit Can protect employees with limited liability
Disadvantages of Charities Lack of profit motive may cause problems with staff Trustees, who control the purse strings of a charity, do so voluntarily Finances must be carefully controlled Survive solely on the donations – not allowed to sell anything –Difficult during hard economic times
Pressure Groups Established by the members of an NPO to address a special interest –Not a union or environmental protection group Win public and media support Influence government policy
Formative Case Study Case: Network Rail On “S” drive Source: Jones, Hall, Raffo, Business Studies 3 rd Edition, Unit 6, page 60.