4 th Grade Open House Welcome, parents and students!
Welcome to 4 th Grade! Thank you for coming tonight! We hope that you will learn valuable information regarding your child’s 4 th grade year.
Meet the Team TEAM TEACHERS: Mrs. Shepherd~ ELA and Social Studies Mrs. Genusa~ UNO Student Teacher Mrs. Allelo~ Math and Science Mrs. Sylvia~ Para
4 th Grade Goals To give your child the academic and social skills needed to progress to fifth grade and thrive in an ever changing society. Accept RESPONSIBILITY for one’s own actions. Become Life-Long Learners.
Dress Code Students are to come dressed in the appropriate uniform including: an Estelle shirt, khaki pants, black or navy belt, black socks and all black shoes. Dress code violations will be given.
Classroom Community Each classroom is a community. In our community, we have rules to help us get along with each other. Rule #1 Follow directions quickly. Rule #2 Raise your hand for permission to speak. Rule #3 Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat. Rule #4 Make Smart Choices Rule #5 Keep your DEAR Teacher Happy!
Classroom Community Each classroom is a community. In our community, we have consequences, if we break the rules. Students pull their behavior cards from the Behavior Bulletin Board or sign the conduct book. Once their red card is pulled then the following PBIS actions are taken. 1- Behavior Report 2-Phone Call 3-Detention (Wednesday 8:15-8:55) 4- Parent Teacher Conference 5- Office Referral
Classroom Community Daily Conduct Grades are given in your child’s agenda.
Super Improver Wall Students have the opportunity to earn stamps for good behavior, homework, or completing goals set by the teacher. For every 10 stamps earned student’s get to change their star and receive an incentive. Check out our Super Improver Wall! Before you leave, write 1 goal you have for your child on a sticky note. Don’t forget to include their name and yours.
Grade Level Subjects The subjects we cover during fourth grade are: Reading English/Writing Math Science Social studies Library/ Information Resources
Reading All curriculum instruction is guided by the Louisiana’s Common Core State Standards. Do not be shocked if you do not see your child bringing home the reading textbook each night. In 4 th Grade picture books, novel sets and non-fiction resources are used to teach the standards. Please encourage your child to read each night to increase fluency.
Reading Homework Reading Homework will consist of a worksheet. Students will need to respond and answer questions based on the weekly skill. Homework is checked each morning and counts towards your child’s participation grade. Reading Tests- Friday
Writing/English All curriculum instruction is guided by the Common Core State Standards. During the school year, your child will be creating various types of writing including: Narrative, Descriptive, Expository, Persuasive, Letter Writing, Poetry, Journaling, and Creative Stories. Students will post several of their essays on their blog. English Homework. English Tests- Monday
Social Studies Units of Study include: Geography, Civics, Economics, History (Louisiana and US), World History Interactive notebooks handouts on left side and notes on the right. Social Studies Tests - Friday
Math All curriculum instruction is guided by Common Core State Standards. Problem of the Day Please study Multiplication Facts Nightly.
Useful Everyday Math Websites
Science Units of study include: Science as Inquiry, Physical Science, Life Science, Earth and Space Science, Science and the Environment .
Homework Students will have homework Monday through Thursday. Math homework along with Reading, and English. Students will have their homework written in their agenda books. All Homework is written down on Monday and checked and signed by the teacher.
LEAP Test Phase 1 of the LEAP test- Writing and Math Constructed Response- March 18 th Phase 2- Reading, Math, Science and Social Studies- April 7 th -10 th Students will receive usernames and passwords.
Parent’s Checklist for Success Ask if nightly homework is completed Check Agenda Book Nightly Visit our Web-Sites – ars.wikispaces.com ars.wikispaces.com See all notes home in the Blue Folder. Check and sign Test Folder every other Monday. Sign up for access to the Parent Portal. Read all classroom and school newsletters. Sign up on Remind 101- Text Read to your child nightly. Contact us with any questions or concerns.
Our Class Websites Estelle Webpage- - About Us- Faculty & Staffhttp://estelle.jpschools.org
Communication Phone Call – Sign up to receive texts on upcoming class and school events Parent Conferences- Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays from 2:35:3:20. Please or call ahead to make an appointment.
Let’s Have a Great Year!