HARNESSING THE POWER OF GREY Lindy C. Boggs International Conference Center New Orleans, Louisiana USA December 4-5, 2006 Sponsor Invitation From: T ext R elease GL8 Program and Conference Bureau HARNESSING THE POWER OF GREY Eighth International Conference on Grey Literature
Introduction TextRelease, the Program and Organizing Bureau for the International Conference Series on Grey Literature is currently in the process of identifying GL8 Sponsors. Last years conference was held at INIST-CNRS in Nancy, France, where delegates from 16 countries worldwide participated. This years conference will return to the United States, where it will be held at the Lindy C. Boggs International Conference Center in New Orleans, Louisiana. HARNESSING THE POWER OF GREY Lindy C. Boggs International Conference Center New Orleans, Louisiana USA December 4-5, 2006
Grey Literature and the Business Sector Grey Literature Information produced on all levels of government, academics, business and industry in electronic and print formats not controlled by commercial publishing i.e. where publishing is not the primary activity of the producing body." (Luxembourg, Expanded in New York, 2004) GL8 will seek to address the under-representation of business and industry in the field of grey literature. Only 5% of the respondents from an online survey carried out in 2004 were from this sector. HARNESSING THE POWER OF GREY Lindy C. Boggs International Conference Center New Orleans, Louisiana USA December 4-5, 2006
Conferences in the GL-Series Next conference in this series: GL8 scheduled at the Lindy C. Boggs International Conference Center, 4-5 December 2006, New Orleans, Louisiana USA Recent conferences in this series: GL7 hosted at INIST-CNRS Conference Center, 5-6 December 2005 in Nancy, France GL6 hosted at NYAM Conference Center, 6-7 December 2004, New York, NY USA GL5 hosted at KNAW Conference Center, 4-5 December 2003, Amsterdam, Netherlands Further conferences in this series: GL99 hosted at Kellogg Conference Center, 4-5 October 1999, Washington, DC USA GL97 hosted at EU Jean Monnet Building, November 1997, Luxembourg GL95 hosted at CUA Conference Center, 2-3 November 1995, Washington, DC USA GL93 hosted at RAI Conference Center, December 1993, Amsterdam, Netherlands HARNESSING THE POWER OF GREY Lindy C. Boggs International Conference Center New Orleans, Louisiana USA December 4-5, 2006
Previous GL Conference Sponsors City of Amsterdam HARNESSING THE POWER OF GREY Lindy C. Boggs International Conference Center New Orleans, Louisiana USA December 4-5, 2006
Characteristics of the GL Series 1.A unique relationship between the Sponsors and the Program and Organizing Bureau 2.Its transatlantic character - alternating between venues in North America and Europe. 3.Its international character evident in its content contributions, sponsorship, and participant organizations. 4.Based on a Call-for-Papers, the Hallmark of the GL Conference Series 5.A dedicated core Program Committee with new and intermittent members 6.An experienced and specialized Program and Planning Bureau 7.Published results of conference research in print and electronic formats 8.(Post) conference information services provided by GreyNet HARNESSING THE POWER OF GREY Lindy C. Boggs International Conference Center New Orleans, Louisiana USA December 4-5, 2006
Unique Relationship between the Sponsors and the Conference Bureau The sound management of an international conference is the guarantee to all stakeholders that their investment in time, money, and human resources is worthwhile. It is the pivotal force for such an event. To date, each and every conference in the GL-Series has relied upon clear negotiations between Sponsor Organizations and the Program and Conference Bureau. Once these negotiations are agreed upon the benefits for the Conference Sponsor become immediate. HARNESSING THE POWER OF GREY Lindy C. Boggs International Conference Center New Orleans, Louisiana USA December 4-5, 2006
Its Transatlantic Character… Results from a recent survey carried out by GreyNet show that 85% of the organisations actively involved in the field of grey literature are in North America and Europe. GreyNet maintains contacts in over 50 countries worldwide, however, the growth and development of this field of information on any scale has been and still is transatlantic. HARNESSING THE POWER OF GREY Lindy C. Boggs International Conference Center New Orleans, Louisiana USA December 4-5, 2006 … but every bit International!
Hallmark of the GL Conference Series Since its onset 13 years ago, this international Conference Series is based on a Call-for-Papers. In the '90s, the event took place every other year averaging 28 content submissions per conference. With the relaunch of the conference series in 2003, it has become an annual event with the same average number of content submissions. Hence, a 100% increase in R&D activities in the field of grey literature, since the turn of this century. HARNESSING THE POWER OF GREY Lindy C. Boggs International Conference Center New Orleans, Louisiana USA December 4-5, 2006
GL8 Program Committee Organizations NYAM (chair) New York Academy of MedicineUSA CNRNational Research CouncilItaly GreyNetGrey Literature Network Service Netherlands INIST-CNRSNational Institute for S&T InformationFrance JSTJapan Science and Technology AgencyJapan NYUNew York University Medical CenterUSA OSTI-DOEOffice of Scientific & Technical InformationUSA UCIUniversity of California, Irvine USA UiBUniversity of BergenNorway HARNESSING THE POWER OF GREY Lindy C. Boggs International Conference Center New Orleans, Louisiana USA December 4-5, 2006
GL Program and Conference Bureau Dr. Dominic J. Farace, Founder of GreyNet and Conference Director since 1992 Experienced and Specialized in the field of grey literature and networked information Jerry Frantzen B.A., Freelance Design and Technical Editor since 1996 HARNESSING THE POWER OF GREY Lindy C. Boggs International Conference Center New Orleans, Louisiana USA December 4-5, 2006
Publication of Research Results Conference Program and Abstract Book – ISSN Conference Proceedings – ISSN The Grey Journal (TGJ) with EBSCO as full-text licensing agent Publishing Research Quarterly (PRQ), a cooperative agreement Abstracting and Indexing Services via CSA, EBSCO, etc. Document Supply Centres via BL (UK), INIST (FR), KB (NL) Websites: & Originating in the GL Conference Series HARNESSING THE POWER OF GREY Lindy C. Boggs International Conference Center New Orleans, Louisiana USA December 4-5, 2006
Grey Literature Network Service GreyNet is a corporate author and major stakeholder in the content of grey literature. The goal of GreyNet is to facilitate dialog, research, and communication between persons and organisations in this field of information. GreyNet further seeks to identify and distribute information on and about grey literature in networked environments. Its main activities include the International Conference Series on Grey Literature, the creation and maintenance of web-based resources, a moderated Listserv, a combined Distribution List, The Grey Journal (TGJ), R&D projects, etc. HARNESSING THE POWER OF GREY Lindy C. Boggs International Conference Center New Orleans, Louisiana USA December 4-5, 2006
Sponsor Benefits 1.Sponsor logo placed on the conference website and hyperlinked to your own website 2.Sponsor Name and logo on the covers of both the GL8 Conference Program Book and Conference Proceedings 3.A full-page advertisement in both of the above publications 4.A full-page advertisement in The Grey Journal, TGJ 5.Sponsor inserts of up to 250 grams in the Conference pouches 6.Two Conference-passes 7.Two personal invitations to the GreyNet Award Dinner And, limited space available for display and exhibits HARNESSING THE POWER OF GREY Lindy C. Boggs International Conference Center New Orleans, Louisiana USA December 4-5, 2006 Sponsorship Fee Sponsor benefits commence upon receipt of the US$ 2500 fee
Conference Structure GL8 will provide the R&D community with a variety of settings in the presentation of their research results. These range from plenary and parallel sessions to roundtables. HARNESSING THE POWER OF GREY Lindy C. Boggs International Conference Center New Orleans, Louisiana USA December 4-5, 2006 Topics and Themes 1. Collection Development, Collection Policies, and Collection Rescue 2. Metadata schemes, Repositories and Software, Standards and Quality Assessment 3. Economics of grey, funding sources, production costs, pricing, and investment issues 4. Mapping grey resources for costal and aquatic environments
Thanks for your consideration! I certainly look forward to your reply as well as to any questions that you may have at this time. Dr. Dominic J. Farace, Program and Conference Director TextRelease GL8 Program and Conference Bureau Javastraat 194-HS 1095 CP Amsterdam The Netherlands T/F +31-(0) Url: Url: HARNESSING THE POWER OF GREY Lindy C. Boggs International Conference Center New Orleans, Louisiana USA December 4-5, 2006