Elysia Smith Math and Science Lori Sherman ELA and Social Studies Faye Grogan Math and Science Jana Roberds ELA and Social Studies Cindy Hoover Math and Science Denise Terry ELA and Social Studies Michele Janke All Subjects
Morning Announcements 8:05 to 8:15 Block 1 8:15 to 10:25 Block 2 10:25 to 12:35 Recess 12:30 to 1:00 Lunch 1:00 to 1:30 LAMP 1:40 to 2:25 Gator Time 2:25 to 3:05 Dismissal 3:10
Reading: Types of genres Inferential thinking Reading response Texas Readers’ Club goals Vocabulary building Language: Writer’s Workshop Grammar and sentence structure Spelling Social Studies: United States history and geography Science: Earth, Physical, and Life Sciences. Scientific Method and experimentation Math: Problem solving Numeration Adding and subtracting with larger numbers and decimals Multiplication and division with larger numbers Measurement and geometry Decimals and fractions Probability and statistics
Focuses on organizational skills Reinforces skills learned in the classroom Teaches responsibility and accountability The first missing or unacceptable assignment in that nine weeks the child will have receive an “S” on the Weekly Progress Sheet under “Completes Assignments/Homework.” Subsequent missing assignments will be noted with a “N” in that same category. Students have the opportunity to complete unacceptable or missing work during lunch.
Expectations: Listen and follow directions the first time given. Respect everyone and their property. Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself. Raise your hand and wait for permission to speak. BE a responsible student by: 1)Returning your homework 2)Completing assignments on time 3)Telling the truth 4)Bringing your supplies 5)Returning your Tuesday folder on Wednesday 6)Being prepared to learn Consequences: First Offense: Verbal warning Second Offense: Name recorded which results in an “S” on the Tuesday folder Third Offense: “N” on Tuesday folder Fourth Offense: Call home to parent Fifth Offense: Principal’s office Severe Clause: Some actions do result in immediate “N” and/or, office referral. Two “S”s per week will result in a “N” on the Tuesday folder.
Weekly Progress Sheet needs to be signed by a parent or guardian each week Exceeds expectations = no mark or special comment from the teacher Meets Standards = S Needs Improvement = N Teachers collaborate to assess weekly work habits and classroom conduct
Weekly to all fifth grade parents highlighting the curriculum and important school events and announcements (e.g. BUS Transportation) School wide Twitter account go Contact the appropriate teacher for that particular subject Check your child’s teachers’ websites for homework and resources Phone calls are not received in the classroom from 8 am to 3:10 pm Conference day is October 11 th beginning at 2 pm (other conference days and times are available)
Attendance is taken at 10:00 a.m. daily. If your child is absent, ALWAYS SEND A NOTE THE FOLLOWING DAY. Children come in to the classroom at 8:00. Instruction begins promptly at 8:10. If a student arrives after 8:10 they are marked tardy. Repeated occurrences will result in an N under “Follows School Regulations” on the Tuesday Folder. The student is required to make up all classroom work or assignments.
Elysia Smith: Lori Sherman: Faye Grogan: Jana Roberds: Cindy Hoover: Denise Terry: Michele Janke:
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