AUSTIN Independent School District Confidential. Draft Working Document Update on the Administrative Recommendation AISD Facility Master Plan September 12, 2011 Work Session Presented to the AISD Board of Trustees Draft in preparation for September 26, 2011
AUSTIN Independent School District Confidential. Draft Working Document Purpose The primary purpose of tonight’s meeting is to provide an update to the Board of Trustees on the Administrative Recommendation for the Facility Master Plan. The focus for tonight is on the framework, especially the process. At the September 26 Regular Board Meeting, the administration will present the Administrative Recommendation, which may include specific facility recommendations. 1 Draft in preparation for September 26, 2011
AUSTIN Independent School District Confidential. Draft Working Document All Plans Align to the Strategic Plan The Facility Master Plan is a framework in alignment with the district’s Strategic Plan. 2 Draft in preparation for September 26, 2011
3 3 Theory of Action If we prioritize our work to target our greatest needs; stabilize our plans around a set of proven practices; and optimize our resources by eliminating what doesn’t work, and redirecting it to what works well, then we can focus on the whole child, streamline our systems management and improve human capital.
AUSTIN Independent School District Confidential. Draft Working Document Prioritize, Stabilize, Optimize Superintendent’s Work Plan 4 Whole Child Rich Portfolio of Academic Options Dual Language Immersion Response to Intervention Social Emotional Learning Child Study Teams Fine Arts Health and Wellness Attendance Staffing to Maximize Learning Performance and Accountability New Performance-Based Appraisal System Staff Wellness and Attendance Human Capital Cloud Computing – Anywhere, Any Time! Performance-Based Empowerment Integrated Curriculum Management System Long-Term Facilities Master Plan Long-Term Fiscal Planning & External Resources Multicultural Outreach Focus on Efficiency and Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability Systems Improvement (In addition to the core curriculum and assessments) Draft in preparation for September 26, 2011 Presented at 2011 Staff Convocation
AUSTIN Independent School District Confidential. Draft Working Document Draft Board Identified Priority Initiatives for Superintendent’s Evaluation New Delivery Models Explore/establish new delivery models to provide an enhanced portfolio of academic options with supporting facilities plans and budget scenarios. Human Capital Refine human capital strategies to support and improve the new performance management model. School & District Climate Improve overall school and district climate for learning. Whole Child/Every Child Health & Wellness Safety Multicultural Outreach/ Engagement Cultural Proficiency & Inclusiveness Special Populations Develop academic achievement and support strategies for special populations through accelerated and differentiated instruction. Special Education ELL and Secondary ESL Services African American Student Support Advanced Academics 5 Draft in preparation for September 26, 2011
AUSTIN Independent School District Confidential. Draft Working Document Facility Master Plan The FMP is a three-part framework which includes: An FMP process; Annual information needed to inform the process; and Annual Facilities Recommendations (AFR). The FMP is a comprehensive and long-term process supporting the AISD Strategic Plan. The Annual Facilities Recommendation results from identification of academic program and operational facility needs. 6 Draft in preparation for September 26, 2011
AUSTIN Independent School District Confidential. Draft Working Document Needs of the District 7 A strong framework in which facilities decisions support the Strategic Plan, including academic goals and measurable outcomes. A FMP that is sufficiently flexible to respond to Board decisions and actions from year to year, as well as rapid changes in the economic and demographic environment. A formal process that will make facilities planning more systematic and transparent. A process that will allow for on-going community engagement. A basis for informed decisions regarding TREs and bond elections. Draft in preparation for September 26, 2011
AUSTIN Independent School District Confidential. Draft Working Document Where We’ve Been Over the past 18 months, AISD has been in the process of developing a long-term Facility Master Plan. While the process was launched in November 2009, the Facility Master Plan Task Force completed its work in March From March 2010 to March 2011, the Facility Master Plan Task Force worked on an FMP that was received by the Board on March 28, On May 16, 2011 the administration presented its response to the Facility Master Plan Task Force Report. On May 23, 2011, the Board referred the plan to the administration for development of an administrative recommendation, and approved a revised timeline for implementation with key benchmarks. 8 Draft in preparation for September 26, 2011
AUSTIN Independent School District Confidential. Draft Working Document Board-Approved Timeline with Key Benchmarks 9 Draft in preparation for September 26, Present Administrative RecommendationSeptember 26,2011 The Superintendent and administration will work through a four-month analysis to prepare the Administrative Recommendation using the following key sources: Facility Master Plan Task Force Report School Community Proposals Facility Master Plan Task Force Minority Report Board Policy Census Data Meeting with representatives from selected board-approved committees and district-established advisory bodies The Superintendent and administration will communicate and distribute the Administrative Recommendation to the community. 4Board Review of Adminstrative RecommendationOctober 2011 The Board decides which aspects of the Administrative Recommendation it approves, which will then become the draft of the Facilities Master Plan (FMP). 5Present and Approve the Final Facility Master PlanEnd of November The Board will need to approve the final Facility Master Plan by November, The Board will take action to implement the recommendations of the plan by December 2011, noting that some earlier action may be required on a case-by-case basis. 6 Shape Capital Improvement Projects - "New Vision" - to support academic programming and vertical team alignment January - February Convene Citizens' Bond Advisory CommitteeMarch Plan and Implement FY12 Summer FMP ProjectsAugust 10, Determine and Implement Boundary Changes (as appropriate)TBD 10 Schedule the Next Bond Election in Coordination with Other District and Public Partner Entity Initiatives *May 2013 Election
AUSTIN Independent School District Confidential. Draft Working Document 10 FMP Task Force vs. Administrative Recommendation Administrative Recommendation: Academically and operationally focused School assessments include permanent and functional capacity factors Return to traditional AISD permanent capacity range: % Includes specific actions related to boundaries and transfers Utilizes basic industry standard for Facility Condition Index School performance included as assessment factor FMPTF Report: Perceived to be efficiency focused School assessments limited to permanent capacity factors Narrower acceptable permanent capacity range: % No specific boundary or transfer changes recommended Basic industry standards utilized for Facility Condition Index plus enhancements School performance not included as assessment factor Draft in preparation for September 26, 2011
AUSTIN Independent School District Confidential. Draft Working Document 1.FMP Process 2.Annual Information 3.Annual Facilities Recommendations FMP Framework 11 Draft in preparation for September 26, 2011
AUSTIN Independent School District Confidential. Draft Working Document FMP Process Provides an annual schedule for academic and operational guidance, data verification, community engagement, a site selection process for new schools, developing recommendations, and Board action Utilizes annually updated information regarding district utilization, district assessment, facility condition index results, and individual facility assessments 12 Draft in preparation for September 26, 2011
AUSTIN Independent School District Confidential. Draft Working Document Facility Assessment Criteria 13 Draft in preparation for September 26, 2011
AUSTIN Independent School District Confidential. Draft Working Document Quantitative Criteria Percent of permanent capacity: - Used in long-range planning, such as where to locate new schools or to construct classroom additions - Assesses a school facility’s ability to accommodate its future neighborhood population Percent of functional capacity: - Used to make annual decisions such as determining which schools to freeze to transfers - The number of students a school can accommodate, taking into account permanent and portable classrooms and classrooms used by district administrative staff - Assesses a school facility’s ability to accommodate its current enrollment, including “in” and “out” student movement and additional capacity provided by portables Permanent and functional capacity are considered together to reflect both long-range projections & current, real-time campus conditions 14 Draft in preparation for September 26, 2011
AUSTIN Independent School District Confidential. Draft Working Document Quantitative Criteria (Continued) Academic Performance - Identifies a method for quantifying academic performance, which is based on the rating earned by a campus in the Texas Education Agency Accountability System Facility Condition - Assesses the state of repair of a facility’s existing building systems by comparing the current cost to address building systems needs to the total cost to replace the building Financial Allocation Study for Texas (FAST) – Examines the relationship of expenditures in a district and in individual campuses relative to its and their student achievement results 15 Draft in preparation for September 26, 2011
AUSTIN Independent School District Confidential. Draft Working Document Quantitative Criteria (Continued) Cost per student - Identifies efficiencies in operating costs for both maintenance and operations and grant/external funding sources Student movement - In support of the neighborhood schools concept, student movement in and out of the attendance zone was assessed 16 Draft in preparation for September 26, 2011
AUSTIN Independent School District Confidential. Draft Working Document Permanent Capacity Count permanent classrooms Subtract special areas (art, music, multi-purpose rooms) at elementary schools classrooms based on staffing ratios Multiply by class size factor - 22 at elementary - 28 at middle and high schools Apply efficiency factor - 95% (or 85% for Title 1 schools) at elementary - 75% (or 70% for Title 1 schools) at middle and high schools 17 Draft in preparation for September 26, 2011
AUSTIN Independent School District Confidential. Draft Working Document Functional Capacity Count permanent and portable classrooms Subtract special areas (art, music, multi-purpose rooms) at elementary schools classrooms based on staffing ratios Subtract classrooms used by District administration staff and special education, then Multiply by class size factor - 22 at elementary, - 28 at middle and high schools Apply efficiency factor - 95% (or 85% for Title 1 schools) at elementary - 75% (or 70% for Title 1 schools) at middle and high schools 18 Draft in preparation for September 26, 2011
AUSTIN Independent School District Confidential. Draft Working Document Student Population Projection Methodology Step 1: Move students forward from one grade to the next (cohort survival method) Step 2: Add projected number of students from new housing based on data from MetroStudy to identify trends for individual subdivisions and multi-family developments Step 3: Estimate kindergarten student population using Travis County live births Step 4: Aggregate planning area projections. The sum always exceeds the mid-range projection total, which serves as a control parameter Step 5: Adjust projection downward based upon out-migration trends 19 Draft in preparation for September 26, 2011
AUSTIN Independent School District Confidential. Draft Working Document What is a Facility Condition Index (FCI)? An indexing ratio used in the school facility management industry to benchmark the relative physical condition of a group of schools Defined as the ratio of the Cost of Repairs divided by the Current Replacement Value (CRV) of a facility - FCI= Cost of Repairs / CRV Strict definition compares the cost of repairing the existing deficient site and building systems of a facility to the cost of replacing the facility exactly as currently constructed Facility condition assessment deficiencies are verified at the facility level. The FCI calculation will reflect occupant feedback 20 Draft in preparation for September 26, 2011
AUSTIN Independent School District Confidential. Draft Working Document Differences in Facility Condition Index FMPTF COMPONENTS Basic Industry Standards: + Expansion of various building and site systems Addition/replacement of moveable equipment Technological needs ADA renovation needs Portable renovations BASIC INDUSTRY STANDARDS (NACUBO*) Actual condition of existing permanent building and site systems, including: ‾ Roofs ‾ HVAC systems ‾ Site drainage systems ‾ Plumbing systems ‾ Electrical and lighting systems ‾ Paving and sidewalks ‾ Wall and floor coverings *National Association of College and University Business 21 Draft in preparation for September 26, 2011
AUSTIN Independent School District Confidential. Draft Working Document How is a FCI Used? Provides a metric to be used to enable relative comparisons to be made among the physical condition of facilities The lower the FCI, the better the physical condition of the building and its site improvements The FCI offers a qualitative sense of the “Good”, “Moderate”, “Fair” or “Poor” condition of a facility FCI (as % of CRV) - Good: 0%-15% - Moderate: 15%-30% - Fair: 30%-50% - Poor: 50% or more 22 Draft in preparation for September 26, 2011
AUSTIN Independent School District Confidential. Draft Working Document Qualitative Criteria Historic Preservation Special programs/ Portfolio of Options Equity and Parity Community Needs Proximity to “Like” Schools Swing Space Capability Overflow Capacity 23 Draft in preparation for September 26, 2011
AUSTIN Independent School District Confidential. Draft Working Document 1.FMP Process 2.Annual Information 3.Annual Facilities Recommendations FMP Framework 24 Draft in preparation for September 26, 2011
AUSTIN Independent School District Confidential. Draft Working Document Annual Information Annual Information to inform the process about our district and our schools: - District utilization - District assessment - Facility Condition Index (FCI) - Individual facility assessments 25 Draft in preparation for September 26, 2011
AUSTIN Independent School District Confidential. Draft Working Document 1.FMP Process 2.Annual Information 3.Annual Facilities Recommendations FMP Framework 26 Draft in preparation for September 26, 2011
AUSTIN Independent School District Confidential. Draft Working Document ACADEMICALLY DRIVEN: AISD Strategic Plan; Annual Priority Initiatives AISD Strategic Plan; Annual Priority Initiatives ACADEMICALLY DRIVEN: AISD Strategic Plan; Annual Priority Initiatives AISD Strategic Plan; Annual Priority Initiatives OPERATIONS DRIVEN: Facility Assessment Results OPERATIONS DRIVEN: Facility Assessment Results FMP Annual Facilities Recommendations Diagram AnnualFacilitiesRecommendations 27 Draft in preparation for September 26, 2011
AUSTIN Independent School District Confidential. Draft Working Document Schedule for FMP Annual Facilities Recommendations September October- December February- May May-July August Administration receives community feedback Facility condition assessment updated FCI updated and verified (at a campus/facility level) Initiate Boundary Advisory Committee Assessment criteria will be applied to identify current status of all facilities Superintendent’s Priority Initiatives will be defined and applicable initiatives will be applied to AFR planning Boundary Advisory Committee will be convened, as appropriate Academic portfolio of options and associated costs defined Priorities 1 & 2 building system upgrades and costs defined Placement of academic options determined Implementation issues and costs defined Public comments Board of Trustees meeting Public communica- tion of the AFR January- August Family and community engage- ment: local workgroups to identify regional solutions within a district-wide context Board will consider/revise AFR Board will approve FMP AFR for following academic school year Public comment period at regular Board of Trustees meeting (November) Public communication of the AFR; public feedback through the budget planning process Board updated on population trends and impacts on school capacities AFR implemente d/ completed; CBAC members recruited and appointed for proposed 2013 Bond Program 28 Draft in preparation for September 26, 2011
AUSTIN Independent School District Confidential. Draft Working Document Next Steps At the September 26 Regular Board Meeting, the Administration will present its Administrative Recommendation and propose Board actions needed to implement the Annual Facilities Recommendation for October through mid-November will be devoted to community outreach and engagement. At the November 28 Regular Board Meeting, the Board is scheduled to take action on the Facility Master Plan. At the December 12 Regular Board Meeting, the Board will take action on the Annual Facilities Recommendation for Draft in preparation for September 26, 2011