Welcome! Please sign in. Please find your child’s desk: There is a letter on their desk to you. Please write a little note back to them so they have one in the morning. There is a paper that says Welcome on the top. Please fill your information out on it. Please fill out the Internet survey.
Mrs. Steinmetz 9 th year teaching Taught 2 nd, 3 rd and 4 th grade in St. Michaels, MD and Arlington, VA Originally from Lewisburg, PA Attended Susquehanna University and George Mason for Masters Enjoy to playing field hockey, reading and running
Mrs. Gentleman 8 th Year teaching Taught 5 th grade special education for all 8 years Grew up in Westmont, New Jersey Attended Mount Saint Mary College in NY and Rowan University for Masters Enjoy reading, watching the Flyers and baking
Typical 5 th Grade Day 8:15-8:25 Homeroom 8:35-9:15 Writing 9:17-9:59 Science/Social Studies 9:59-10:39 Specials 10:41-11:21 Science/Social Studies 11:23-12:45 Math with Mr. MacGuigan 12:47- 1:27 Lunch (Line A) /Recess 1:29-2:51 Reading with Mrs. Donahue 2:51-3:10 Dismissal
Schedule Day A: Music/Tech Day B: Gym Day C: Life Skills/World Language (3&4) Day D: Library Day E: Art Day F: Gym **Lunch: 12:47-1:27 (with recess first)
Grades / Grading A = 100% - 92% B = 91% - 83% C = 82% - 74% D = 73% - 65% F = 64% and below ** Tests/Quizzes signed and returned Grades consists of: 45% Summative (Test, Big Projects) 35% Interim (Quizzes, Lab, Projects, Extended Classwork) 20% Formative (Classwork, Homework)
Homework Policy 1 st Marking Period: 10% each day it is late 2 nd and 3 rd Marking Periods: 50% off first day and 0% the second day 4 th Marking Period: 0% if homework is late
Writing Writing & Grammar Program: Being a Writer The Writing Community, The Writing Process, Personal Narrative, Fiction, Expository Nonfiction, Opinion Writing, Poetry
Science: Scott Foreman Cellular units – Chapter 2 Body Systems- Chapter 3 Properties & Matter – Chapter 11 Changes in Matter- Chapter 12
Social Studies: Harcourt Topics covered include: Map Skills, Discovering/Settling America, 13 Colonies, American Revolution Current Events- 3 week rotation schedule will be posted in classroom and on website-Starting in October
Other Items for Science/Social Studies -Portfolio -Notebooks -Current EventsCurrent Events -Homework -Online Textbooks -Donations for Edible Cell Lab
Our Classroom Rules 1. Listen respectfully when others are talking 2. Be prepared for class 3. Be respectful to everyone 4. Raise your hand when you want to say something 5. Treat others the way you want to be treated 6. Stay quiet in the halls 7. Always try your best.
Snacks Please provide snacks for the students! Lunch is at 12:47 We are a peanut-free classroom so please make sure their snacks don’t have peanuts in them.
Birthday/Party Treats You are more than welcome to send in treats for our whole class. Birthday treats shouldn’t contain peanuts/treenuts. Please make sure the treats are pre-cut with appropriate utensils. According to new Bus Code of Conduct, all treats must be dropped off and picked up at the office.
Band Students are responsible for any missed work due to other activities that they participate in school.
Communication / Contact Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns. We will try our best to get back to you within 24 hours. Mrs. Steinmetz at # (856) ext 4215 Mrs. Gentleman at #(856) ext You may also write us a note. Please ask your child to give the note to us in the morning when we call for notes. We don't check folders for notes.