OPEN HOUSE UPCOMING EVENTS WILKOMMEN WITH FRAU TARRANT Aug. 20, 2014 SPRACMEISTERS Another year brings a new start to earning Sprachmeisters. In order to earn a flag, students must speak 25 days in class of ONLY German. Each day students speaks ONLY German they will receive a sticker on the class chart tracking how many days until they have earned the next flag. Sprachmeisters will also be incorporated into the German speaking grade. Each week students will receive 1 point for each day they speak German. It is important that students use their German in class in order to be most successful. Rilke Schule’s annual open house will be on August 25, 2014 from 6:00-8:00pm. This is a great opportunity to meet the teacher and see the classroom that your student will be learning in this year. It is also a time you can chat with the teacher. I am looking forward to working with you and your child this year. It is my goal to help your student enjoy learning and to give them the skills they need to be successful in school and beyond the classroom. If you ever have any questions or concerns about your child, please feel free to contact me in person, by , or by phone. I will be sending home a nightly folder with your child’s finished and unfinished class work, and homework. In the folder will be a signature sheet for you to fill out, allowing me to know that you are getting the work that is being sent home. I look forward to starting the school year! Frau Tarrant (907) Aug. 20First Day 2 nd -12 th grade Aug. 25Open House Aug. 27First Day K-1 st grade Sept. 1No School
TEACHER EXPECTATIONS HOMEWORK STUDENT EXPECTATIONS DISCIPLINE POLICY 1.Quality instruction 2.Provide extra help 3.Create a positive learning environment 4.Give credit for practice 5.Give fair grades as evaluation of learning. 6.Show respect 7.Enforce fairness 8.Give best effort each day 1.Be punctual 2.Come to class ready to work and learn 3.Bring all necessary books and supplies 4.Complete all assignments neatly 5.Follow classroom procedures 6.Follow the posted rules. Rule: 1.Follow directions the first time they are given. 2.Keep hands and feet to yourself. 3.Raise your hand to get out of your seat. 4.Keep your voice to an inside working level. 5.No put downs of classmates. Consequences: First: Name on board. Warning. Second: 1 st yellow card. Move to danger zone & 10 min. at recess Third: 2 nd yellow card. Move to Kryptonite & 15 min. at recess. Fourth: Red card. Buddy room 15 min. Fifth: Referral. Written referral & student sent to the office. Sever Disruptions: Students sent immediately to the office. Rewards: Praise = daily Joy of learning – each day of the school year. Positive notes home – random Move to soaring & Superhero status- daily Friday free time - biweekly Each student will be given a homework folder. In class they will create an assignment list that will be kept in their folder. On the list will be the assignments and their due date. EVERY day the students bring home their folder and back to school the next morning. Each morning there will be a folder check. The teacher will keep a check list of who has brought their folder back each day and finished their homework. The students ability to bring back their homework and folder on time will be part of their responsibility grade. Aug. 20, 2014
ABSENCE MISSING ASSIGNMENT DAILY CLOSING UNFINISHED ASSIGNMENT When a student is absent they have a seat partner who will gather extra worksheets for them. Upon return students will find their missed work in a folder on their desk. They have 2 days for each day missed to finish work in the absent folder. The finished work is to be returned to the teach in the absent folder. Assignments can also be found at my wiki page. When students have a missing homework assignment they will be given a pink slip, with a description of the assignment and reason for incompletion. Students are to bring their pink slip home for parent signature. Once homework is completed it and the pink slip are to be submitted to the teacher. Until completed homework has been turned in to the teacher it will be listed as missing and given a 0. Once the the homework has been turned in the appropriate grade will replace the missing 0. At the end of each day student will review what they have learned with the daily closing. Each child will receive a copy of the daily closing. It will be placed in their folder to go home. Students are to read to their parents the daily closing. Please sign the daily closing message to be returned to the teacher once student has read it to you. If a student has not finished an assignment in the time allotted in class they will place their unfinished work into a file with their name on it. They may only have 3 or fewer assignments at any on time in their folder. If they have more than three assignments at the end of the class the student will use the following recess time to complete assignments. When a student finishes an assignment early they are to first check their folder and work on any unfinished work. At the end of the day any unfinished work is to be taken home to be finished and returned the following day. If it is not turned in the following day it will be listed as a missing assignment until returned. Any assignments listed as missing will crevice a 0 until the assignment has been turned in to the teacher. At that time it will be replaces with the appropriate grade. Aug. 20, 2014