Agency Portal Use the Agency ID and Password that you have already received If you don’t know the information call United Way (203) On your first login, you will be required to change your password
Main Administrative Page This page will provide access to different administrative services depending on your level of access Hover mouse over VOLUNTEER ADMINISTRATION and select VOLUNTEER HOME to access the Volunteer administrative site Other administrative services will be coming later this year
Administration Home Page Hover mouse over VOLUNTEER AMINISTRATION and select OPPORTUNITIES from the drop down menu
Opportunities Page The page will show Opportunities that you have created previously and their status Click the ADD button to add a new opportunity
New Opportunity Complete all of the information Click Submit *Note all Volunteer Opportunities must be approved by United Way staff before showing on the web. They will show as published once approved and will then be visible to the public.
Opportunity Complete as much information as would help a volunteer locate your opportunity You will need to make someone the contact for the opportunity Click the ADD button when complete
Opportunity Home Page Click on any of the Title of any of the listed opportunities to display or modify Use the icons to the left of the Title to: 1. Copy & create a new opportunity 2. See the dates and times for the opportunity 3. See what volunteers have signed up 4. View history of opportunity
Icons Icons: Allows you to copy the opportunity and create another similar opportunity Allows you to add/maintain date and time slots Allows you to see/approve/ and get a report of volunteers Allows you to see the search history of the opportunity
Volunteers for an opportunity Template lists all of the assigned volunteers You can mail individual volunteers by clicking on their address You can everyone on the list by clicking on SEND E MAIL
Format You can personalize individual e- mails by using the Text Variables You can attach files by hitting the ATTACH FILE button and adding files from your computer You may use pre-defined templates!!!!
Generate a Spreadsheet Creates a CSV file which can be opened with Excel
Generated Spreadsheet
Organization Profile
Organization Contacts Shows contacts that have been assigned previously New Contacts may be added
Select New Contacts If you have other contacts connected to your organization already, simply select them from the list To add a new contact, click on ADD NEW CONTACT
Add New Contacts
Agency Documents Every agency should have their IRS designation letter on file Other documents may be added as desired Simply click on the ADD button
Add Documents Use the Browse button to find and upload the document that you want You can add effective and expiration dates for the document
Organization Descriptions The initial description is the one already on file, but you may use the icons on the left to edit or expire To add a new description, click on the ADD button
Add Description Simply type in the text for the description You may choose dates to make the description effective or to expire the description