VOLUNTEER MOBILIZATION AmeriCorps members will recruit a total of 475 new volunteers for new projects and tasks related to homelessness. All new volunteers will be trained by members in order to increase knowledge of cause of homelessness. 380 (80%) must demonstrate an increase in knowledge of homelessness in the state of Michigan. This will be measured using a pre-and-post survey.
STEPS TO VOLUNTEER RECRUITMENT Step 1Complete a needs based assessment Step 2Gain buy-in from the agency you serve Step 3Create written position description(s) Step 4Design a recruitment strategy Step 5Start recruiting Step 6Volunteer Screening and Orientation Step 7Volunteer Training Step 8Run your project, implement the volunteer Step 9Evaluate your volunteer program Step 10Report your results in OnCorps
REPORTING IN ONCORPS Impact Area of project is ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS Housing and Homelessness It doesn’t matter if your events do not pertain to homelessness Only report new volunteers If you have ongoing volunteers, list the original date, then in the narrative, list them as “ongoing.” Also in the narrative, describe their ongoing activities (with the dates) If their hours extend into Q3, you may not count their hours because the on-going volunteers are not new anymore
FUNDRAISING VII.FUNDRAISING A.Members may raise funds directly in support of services that meet local, environmental, educational, public safety, homeland security or other human needs. In order to participate in fundraising activities, members must submit a fundraising request form to the Program Director. Examples of fundraising activities members may perform include, but are not limited to the following: 1.Seeking donations of clothing and household goods for newly housed clients; 2.Writing a grant proposal to a foundation to secure resources to support the training of volunteers; 3.Securing financial resources from the community to assist a faith-based or community-based organization in launching or expanding a program that provides social services to the members of the community and is delivered, in whole or in part, through members of the faith-based organization; 4.Seeking a donation from alumni of the program for specific service projects being performed by current members. B.Fund raising may not include the following: 1.Raising funds for a living allowance; 2.Raising funds for an organization’s endowment or operating expenses; or 3.Writing grant applications for funding provided by any other federal agencies
FUNDRAISING (CONT’D) Fundraising can only accumulate to 10% of total hours The other 10% is allotted for training Money has to go directly to the non- profit or service that you are helping, be careful when planning. Keep track of where the money is going Seeking out sponsorships/grants for activities do not count as fundraising
STARTING A PROJECT No need to stress out if you cannot think of ideas Seek projects outside of your non-profit if they do not have a need for projects Collaborations with other non-profit agencies or AmeriCorps members Multiple resources Look on websites for ideas
HOW CAN I HELP YOU? Is there any other additional training that you want? What type of problems are you encountering with volunteers? What are some successful stories? Any questions or concerns?
CONTACT INFORMATION Michelle Adams P. (517) F. (517)