Instructor: Mr. Ruffino Wood Lab Technologies
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to concentrate on all basic wood construction methods. Students will first learn how to safely operate all woodworking equipment and safely operate in a professional woodworking environment. The woodworking equipment includes all types of hand and power tools used to shape wood. Then students will learn the various ways objects of wood are formed. Students will use an assortment of woodworking tools to craft parts for their projects. Students will also study different joints used to securely join boards, and their appropriateness for different applications. Students will practice alternate methods used to construct wooden projects. This class will introduce students to several types of wood and their unique characteristics. Students will also study finishing methods. As a final stage students will use their own creativity to conceive a project and then go about creating the project.
Course Goals: Students will: Learn proper shop attire and behavior. Learn safe operating procedures of all woodworking tools. Learn board squaring. Learn measuring methods. Construct useful projects. Construct projects of various wood types. Choose and then create at least one advanced project. Learn and practice finishing. Learn the ethics and responsibilities of a professional craftsman. Have fun!!!!
Course Outline: Safety of the room and of the tools. Get familiar with the tools. Pretest Proper tool procedure and cutting of each tool within the room. Different wood species and what they are used for. Create a push stick Tool Box
Course Outline: Wood Finishes iPad Dock Bird House Wood Box (joinery) Picture Frame Free Project - Create something on your own.
Grading Course Requirements and Grading: The course grade will be based on individual projects, writing assignments, quizzes, a digital portfolio, and a final exam. The final grade will be determined using the following weights: Projects = 50% Classwork = 15% Assessments = 15% Clean-up= 20%
Grading Technology Rubric Name:_____________________________________________________________________ Date:__________________________ ASSIGNMENT 4 POINTS HIGHLY UNSATISFACTORY 8 POINTS UNSATISFACTORY 12 POINTS SATISFACTORY 16 POINTS EFFECTIVE 20 POINTS HIGHLY EFFECTIVE TOTALS PLANNING QUALITY CREATIVITY EFFORT EFFECTIVINESS TOTAL GRADE PLANNING - A scheme, program, or method worked out beforehand for the accomplishment of an objective. QUALITY - a measure of excellence or a state of being free from defects, deficiencies and significant variations. CREATIVITY - the ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, relationships, or the like, and to create meaningful. EFFORT - struggle, striving. Effort, application, endeavor, exertion imply actions directed or force expended toward a definite end. EFFECTIVINESS - Effectiveness is the capability of producing a desired result.
Grading If your child receives a grade they are unhappy with they can fix or redo the assignment. The only grade they can NOT correct is test grades. Timeline for make-up grades 1st quarter – until the end of the quarter. 2 nd quarter – every 5 weeks 3rd quarter – every 5 weeks 4th quarter – every 5 weeks
Current Condition The shop is in need of an upgrade Our goal is to replace antiquated tool, machines, & systems A proposal has been discussed with the principal The process is underway