[insert agency/program logo(s)] [Insert Program Name] New Volunteer Orientation
[insert agency/program logo(s)] Agenda Welcome! Pennsylvania’s Aging Services Network About [insert agency/program names] Roles and Responsibilities of Staff & Volunteers Conflict of Interest & Ethics Boundaries & Volunteer Protections Support for Volunteers Questions & Answers
[insert agency/program logo(s)] Introductions What are you passionate about? What interests you about volunteering with us? What are you passionate about? What interests you about volunteering with us?
[insert agency/program logo(s)] Our Community Needs [insert information on the needs of older persons in your community – demographics, barriers to service, health status, income, etc.]
[insert agency/program logo(s)] PA Aging Services Network Collaborating State Agencies Secretary of Aging/PA Department of Aging Bureau of Pharmacetical Assistance (PACE) Deputy Secretary of Aging Pennsylvania Council on Aging Office of Community Services and Advocacy Bureau of Home and Community Based Services Bureau for Advocacy, Protection and Education Area Agencies on Aging Senior Community Centers Pennsylvania Council on Aging Intra- Governmental Council on Long- Term Care Cultural Diversity Advisory Council Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP) Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP)
[insert agency/program logo(s)] Welcome to the Aging Services Network Pennsylvania Department of Aging State Plan Goals 1)Improve access to care for older individuals at the right time, setting and intensity; 2)Empower older individuals to remain in the setting of their choice by serving as a catalyst in developing communities as places in which to age and live well; 3)Direct older individuals to the supports necessary to maximize their health and well-being; and 4)Revitalize and redesign aging services to further enhance the lives of older individuals.
[insert agency/program logo(s)] About [insert agency name] [insert information about your agency] Why and when was it formed? How do you fit into the PA Aging Services Network? Whom do you serve? What makes you unique? What are you recent accomplishments? How have you made a difference?
[insert agency/program logo(s)] About [insert agency name] [insert agency org chart with volunteer program highlighted]
[insert agency/program logo(s)] Staff Roles & Responsibilities [insert information about what staff do] What are staff-specific duties? What are key positions? How does staff support volunteers?
[insert agency/program logo(s)] Philosophy of Volunteer Involvement [insert paragraph describing why volunteer are a chosen strategy to deliver services at your program] What do you hope to gain by involving community volunteers? Why do you value volunteers?
[insert agency/program logo(s)] Volunteer Roles & Responsibilities [insert information about what volunteers do] What are volunteer-specific duties? What are key positions? What teams exist? What leadership opportunities exist? What are the basic requirements for volunteers?
[insert agency/program logo(s)] Ethics & Conflict of Interest [insert ethics, conflict of interest and any other important policies (e.g. confidentiality, accepting gifts, impartiality, lobbying, etc.)]
[insert agency/program logo(s)] Equal Opportunity Service Provider People with disabilities Seniors and pre-retirees Ethnic and multilingual populations Disease-specific groups People with chronic illnesses Rural, urban and suburban populations People with low-income and limited resources People with low literacy People with private or public health care coverage People who have been without health care coverage
[insert agency/program logo(s)] Protecting Your Privacy Give clients your first name only Do not give clients your home address or other personal contact info Set up a separate for client case work or use one at your site Block your home phone number from showing on the receiving end Do not transport clients in your personal vehicle, unless authorized to do so Do not visit clients at their home, unless you are authorized to do so
[insert agency/program logo(s)] Federal Volunteer Protection Act Provides immunity for volunteers for harm caused by their acts or omissions under the following circumstances, if: The volunteer was acting within the scope of his or her responsibilities; The scope of a volunteer’s responsibility is defined by the position description and the breadth of an individual’s training and certification; The volunteer was properly licensed, certified or authorized to act; The harm was not caused by willful, criminal or reckless misconduct, gross negligence or a conscious, flagrant indifference to the rights or safety of others; and The harm was not caused by the volunteer operating a motor vehicle, vessel or aircraft to which the State requires an operator’s license and insurance.
[insert agency/program logo(s)] Self Care Tips You can’t solve every single person’s problem Listen with compassion & empathy, don’t take it personally Helping clients is not always easy, but it’s important Don’t bottle your feelings up! Know how important you are to building healthy communities You never, ever have to accept abuse or mistreatment from clients or others
[insert agency/program logo(s)] Volunteer Separation & Dismissal Resignation Exit interview- Improve our program by giving constructive feedback from your personal experience Unacceptable Actions Flirting Dating Sexual activities Sexual contact with clients Reason for Immediate Dismissal Sexual harassment Physical or verbal assault or abuse Alcohol or drug abuse while on the job Misuse of Commonwealth or local agency resources Discrimination Conflict of interest Other inappropriate behavior, on a case-by-case basis
[insert agency/program logo(s)] Volunteer Reporting & Paperwork The information you track helps us: Better manage a large, decentralized program; Assess whether services are being provided equitably across the state; Know whether resources are being spent wisely; Focus on areas where we can improve; and Share our story with lawmakers and others in charge of policy decisions.
[insert agency/program logo(s)] Support for Volunteers Become proficient in your duties Keep current with emerging knowledge Participate in relevant continuing education Provide services within the boundaries of your training Be sensitive to clients’ cultural beliefs Seek the advice and counsel of peers and staff Refer clients to others when expertise is needed Attend all required activities Celebrate your good work on behalf of our community
[insert agency/program logo(s)] Helpful Supplies & Resources [insert supplies, resources, websites and publications that will be helpful to volunteers as they go about their duties]
[insert agency/program logo(s)] Regular Meetings & Upcoming Training [insert any regularly occurring meetings and future training with specifics on dates/times/locations]
[insert agency/program logo(s)] Contact Information [insert agency/program name] — [insert agency/program web site] Pennsylvania Department of Aging — Local Area Agencies on Aging — mmunity/your_local_resources/ mmunity/your_local_resources/17952
[insert agency/program logo(s)] Discussion What excites you about volunteering with us? What makes you a little nervous? What excites you about volunteering with us? What makes you a little nervous?
[insert agency/program logo(s)] Talking Points [insert specific messages volunteers can use when representing the program in the community, including information about volunteer opportunities]
[insert agency/program logo(s)] Questions & Answers Any questions?
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[insert agency/program logo(s)] Extra Slide