For more information or to sign up for one of these positions, please contact our PTA president, Josh Russell at 3401 Queen Mary Drive, Olney, Maryland PTA President – Josh Russell, News Editor – Jill Fecko, Principal – Carla Glawe, Save the Date! Sep 1NO SCHOOL - Labor Day Sep 5Back to School Picnic, 6-8 PM Sep 11Back to School Night, 6:30 -8:30 PM Sep 23Restaurant Night at California Tortilla, 5-9 PM Sep 25NO SCHOOL -Rosh Hashanah Have Something for Dragon Tales? The due date is each Wednesday by 2 PM via to No Exceptions! Questions? Contact Jill Fecko at or Olney Elementary PTA NewsletterSummer 2014 Annual Back-to-School Picnic Come and join the families of Olney Elementary School for an evening of fun at the Back-to- School Picnic scheduled for this Friday, September 5 at 6:00 pm. This is a great opportunity to meet your children’s friends and their families. The picnic will run from 6:00 to 8:00 pm on the school playground. Don’t forget to bring a blanket or lawn chair and pack your favorite meal. Questions? Please contact Mary Nowotny at The following positions are still open. Please consider donating a little bit of your time so the PTA can continue to support our school! Not sure you want to take on a job by yourself? Think about co-chairing with a friend! Family Nights Chair (Bingo, Dances, etc) Fundraising Chair Big Learning Foreign Language Big Learning Science and Engineering (see last page) Don’t forget to join the PTA! The link is now working and can be found on page 2
Olney Elementary PTA NewsletterSummer 2014 (page 2) Join the OES PTA Family! 6% of your purchases will go to the Olney PTA if you use the following link: We will be having our first Restaurant Night Fundraiser at California Tortilla Olney on Tuesday, September 23rd from 5-9pm. Our secret password is Olney Elementary. Last year, restaurant nights raised just under $2500 for the PTA. We hope to meet that number again this year! See flyer below: content/uploads/2014/08/Olney-Spirit- Night-Flyer-Olney-elementary-.pdf Attention Parents: Looking for a FUN way to be involved in your child’s classroom? Have a little extra time on your hands? Why not become a ROOM CAPTAIN?! A room captain is responsible for planning and executing the three (3) parties in your child’s classroom throughout the year: Halloween, Valentine’s Day and End-of-Year, as well as running an event in the Spring Carnival. It’s a fun way to get to know your child’s teacher and friends, and a great way to be involved at school! If you are interested, please Andrea It is not too early to sign up! The OES PTA invites you to join us to make a difference in our children’s education. We are fortunate that OES has active family support. We hope that everyone will support our school by joining the PTA. Your PTA membership directly benefits your child’s school experience by funding enriching experiences and helping teachers obtain additional classroom items they need. Let’s make this year’s PTA membership drive another big success! WE ARE COUNTING ON 100% PARTICIPATION TO HELP RAISE THE NEEDED FUNDS. Please visit where you can print out a membership form or join using PayPal. Your membership does make a difference!!! Thank you for your support, Jennifer Asbacher and Laurie Gary PTA Membership Co-Chairs
Olney Elementary PTA NewsletterSummer 2014 (page 3) Calling all runners! Back by popular demand is the Girls On The Run program at OES. We inspire girls to be joyful, healthy and confident using a fun, experience-based curriculum which creatively integrates running. Girls on the Run is a transformational physical activity based positive youth development program for girls in 3rd-8th grade. We teach life skills through dynamic, interactive lessons and running games. The program culminates with the girls being physically and emotionally prepared to complete a celebratory 5k running event. The goal of the program is to unleash confidence through accomplishment while establishing a lifetime appreciation of health and fitness. We have a huge group of girls signed up and an ever growing waitlist. Sadly, we will have to turn girls away if we cannot get a few more adult (over 18 please) coach/volunteers. Do you run? Do you wish you could run? This program is for newbies and hardcore runners alike. We meet, as a group, on Wednesday and Friday mornings from 8:00am-9:00am at the school. This is an amazing experience as a coach. Please look at the link below, or send me an with any questions and I will do my best to answer them, or guide you in the right direction. For more information, contact Nicole at : or check out / / For before and after school Big Learning programs. In the past OES has offered before school Spanish and after school science & engineering. Volunteers are needed now to keep foreign language and science programs going at Olney this fall. Big Learning provides coordinators with support, supplies, teachers, and 15% discount off one registration. More information Denise Purnell - Big Learning website Parent Coordinators Needed!