Volunteer Ottawa Empowering & connecting volunteers Strengthening & building our community
Who we are Celebrating our 60 th year Registered non profit Canadian charity Membership based with 254 non-profit organizations in the Ottawa area subscribing to our services
What We Do Volunteer Ottawa builds capacity in the non- profit sector and promotes volunteerism in the Ottawa community through three key services: Community engagement-outreach Volunteer matching and recognition Education/training programs Overall operating principle is one of collaboration
November Forum Objective: Bring together representatives from the non-profit sector to explore capacity building issues Identify priorities Look at options for jointly moving forward Major Focus of Discussions: Specific organizational capacity building issues Retention and succession planning Professional development Cultural diversity and inclusion Need for system wide change in building capacity New ways of working together Diversity revenue
Next Steps VO to set up a forum through LinkedIn to facilitate discussion on two identified capacity streams Ongoing discussions with key groups working in capacity building Meeting in late April-early May to discuss how to move forward
Questions 1.What do you think are the key challenges facing the sector in terms of capacity building? 2.What different models of collaboration and system- wide change do you see needed? 3.What are the options for moving forward?