Welcome to Mrs. Kohrmann’s 4 th Grade Class nves.tvusd.k12.ca.us
Mrs. Kohrmann’s Expectations -A lways do your best! -Use appropriate language at all times -Raise your hand if you question/answer. -Respect others and their property. -Use kind words to each other.
Students will be assigned homework on a nightly basis. They will write it down in their reminder binders before going home each day. Your child should be spending approximately 45 to 50 minutes a night on homework, Monday-Thursday, as required by the school district. It will be evaluated on your child’s report card. Please make sure to check and initial your child’s reminder binders each night and look for any important information I have listed on it for the week. Homework consists of: Reading for 20 minutes, Math, and a language arts activity nightly. Some nights will have a social studies or science activity. Study spelling words for test on Thursday. Homework is checked and collected the next day, otherwise noted.
Under Repeated Reading, students are to read the passage from their Reading Homework Packet three times a week (or more) to practice fluency. Under the Independent Reading, the student is to choose three (3) different activities during the week. I am looking for a parent initial in three of those boxes to verify this activity has been completed. Under Making “Tracks,” your child will need to make at least one (1) in the passage for the week. Finally, in the Comprehension Check, the tasks will vary from week to week. Reading Homework
Kohr Money Earn Coming to school on time Participation in class Good behavior Passing timed tests Passing weekly quizzes Pay Not following classroom and/or school rules Losing papers/supplies Tilting on chairs No name on papers Shout outs Excessive bathroom/water breaks
Daily Schedule
8:55-9:20-Opening/collect homework/Morning Work 9:20-10:30-Daily 5/reading groups 10:30- 11:00 Whole group language arts 11:00 -12:05-Math 12:05-12:50-Lunch 12:50 – 1:10 Writing 1:10-1:40-Intervention/Social Studies/ Science 1:45-2:05-Writing 2:05-2:15-Recess 2:15-3:05- Science/Social Studies (Tuesday) 2:15 – 3:00- P.E./V.A.P.A./Library 3:05 -3:20- Reminder Binders 3:20-Dismissal Library : Fridays-2:15-3:00 Computers: Fridays-1:15 2:00 VAPA: Thursdays-2:15-3:00 P.E.: Mondays: 2:15 -3:00
Some projects for the year Pumpkin Globe (Sept./Oct.) Mission Projects (Spring) ABC’s California Books (Spring)
Wednesday Folders Graded papers will be sent home every Wednesday. It will have graded papers and test/quizzes from the previous week. Please initial on the dated log attached to the back of the folder. This will indicate that you have seen and reviewed these papers. Any papers graded in pen means that we have corrected their papers together in class. Emptied Wednesday folders need to be returned that Friday.
Math Units
Multiplication of larger numbers (all strategies) Division of larger numbers by 1 digit (all strategies) Area/Perimeter Triangles & Quadrilaterals Fractions Decimals Measurement conversions Ongoing Problem Solving
Comprehension Strategies Text structure (Informational) Main Idea and Key details (Informational) Summarizing ( both informational and Literature) Theme Poetry Comparing 2 texts on the same topic Reading Writing Opinion Narrative Informational
*Changing Earth *Rocks and Minerals *Ecosystems *Electricity and Magnetism
California History *Regions-CA *Native Americans *Spanish Missions and Ranchos *Explorers *Gold Rush
Volunteers Must have current TB test on file & other paperwork on file to help in classroom Parent Tab on TVUSD website Be sure to check in and get your VOLUNTEER sticker in the office each time you visit
I appreciate you coming tonight! By working together, we can help your child be a successful learner.