What is a drug? A chemical substance, such as a hallucinogen, that affects the central nervous system, causing changes in behaviour and often addiction. Something and often an illegal substance that causes addiction, paranoia, or a marked change in consciousness There are many different drugs including Cannabis, Cocaine, LSD, Magic mushrooms and Heroin
Cannabis Cannabis is the most widely used illegal drug in Britain. Made from parts of the cannabis plant, it’s a naturally occurring drug. It is a mild sedative (often causing a chilled out feeling or actual sleepiness) and it’s also a hallucinogen (meaning you may experience a state where you see objects) The law Cannabis is a Class B drug - illegal to have, give away or sell. Possession can get you up to five years in jail. Supplying someone else, including your friends, can get you fourteen years and an unlimited fine.
Cocaine Cocaine powder, is a stimulants with powerful, but short-lived, effects. Stimulants temporarily speed up the processes of your mind and body. ‘Freebase’ cocaine and ‘crack’ cocaine, can be smoked, and so can reach the brain very rapidly in high dosage. Snorted powder cocaine is absorbed more slowly. However, all forms of cocaine prepared for injection can also reach the brain rapidly in high doses and so can be very addictive too. The effects Taking cocaine makes users feel on top of the world. People taking it feel wide-awake, confident and on top of the world. Cocaine is a stimulant, so it can raise the body’s temperature, make the heart beat faster and stave off feelings of hunger.
Risks After taking cocaine, it's not unusual for people to feel like they've got the flu. Some people are over-confident on it and so may take very careless risks. Crack and cocaine powder users have died from overdoses. High doses can raise the body's temperature, cause convulsions and respiratory or heart failure. Using cocaine makes people feel depressed and run down. People who use crack or coke regularly often develop serious problems with anxiety and paranoia. It's a known cause of panic attacks. Cocaine can bring previous mental health problems to the surface. Injecting any drug can cause vein damage, ulcers and gangrene, particularly with dirty equipment..
Magic Mushrooms Magic mushrooms are mushrooms that grow in the wild. They produce hallucinogenic-type effects when you eat them. There are two main types and they’re quite different. There are deadly poisonous species. The effects The effects for both mushrooms can take between 30 minutes to two hours to happen. The more you take, the longer your trip could last. Both mushrooms can make you feel confident, relaxed and in good spirits. They can distort colour, sound and objects. One effect can be that your senses get mixed up so that, for example, you think you can hear colours and you can see sounds. They can also speed up and slow down your sense of time and movement. You may feel like you're dreaming when you're awake.
Heroin Heroin is made from morphine. Morphine is extracted from the opium poppy. Like many drugs made from opium, heroin is a very strong painkiller. The effects Heroin slows down body functioning and substantially reduces physical and psychological pain. Most users get a rush or buzz a few minutes after taking it. Doses can make the user sleepy and very relaxed. The first dose of heroin can bring about dizziness and vomiting. The law Heroin is a class A drug. This means that possessing it can lead to a prison sentence of up to 7 years and an unlimited fine. Supplying (which includes giving it to a friend) could lead to a life sentence and another unlimited fine.
Effects of Heroin ….
F.A.Q’s How can I stop my friend taking lots of drugs? A good thing to do is keep your friend away from situations or places which might entice them - like say the pub or a mate's house. Rather, show them some other things to do to keep themselves busy. Try exercising or a trip to the cinema. Also we're sure they already know this, but it never hurts to tell them that you're always around if they want to talk about it. Is Cannabis harmless? While cannabis is not a physically addictive drug, it can be a trigger to any underlying mental health problems. It can also easily become a habit. What is the worst drug? All drugs are potentially dangerous. And because most drugs are illegal there's no way to control what goes into them. What is the worst drug? All drugs are potentially dangerous. And because most drugs are illegal there's no way to control what goes into them. Some drugs can cause more long term damage from a physical point of view - like heroin and crystal meth.
Help and Advice There are many people you can turn to for advice on drugs and great websites that are full of useful facts and information. Your local G.P Southern Area Health Promotion Department Telephone: /1 County Armagh Southern Area Health Promotion Department Southern Area Health Promotion Department