Making Parents Partners
Who Are We? n Kenna Pruitt –Outreach & Volunteer Advocacy Mgr. n Rebecca Ramirez, J.D., M.H.A. –Associate Director for Operations n Other SPCAA employees
Where We Work? n South Plains Community Action Association, Head Start Division Serve 12 counties, Covering more than 10,000 sq. miles
Head Start serves 1,324 children & families Early Head Start serves 48 children & pregnant women
P.A.N.I.C Club People with Absolutely Nothing In Common
How To… nBnBnBnBuild a Relationship nInInInInvolve Parents in Center Events nGnGnGnGet Parents to become Volunteers nPnPnPnProvide Additional Programs nFnFnFnFamily Partnership Agreements
Step 1 Build A Relationship
Getting to know your Parents n Ask that both parents be apart of recruitment & enrollment n Greetings –When? –How? n Personalized Phone Calls n Ask for Parent’s Input –Lesson Plans –Field Trip Ideas
What ideas do you have?
Step 2: Involve Parents in Center Events
Parent Meetings n How to get them there? –Take a census of time options –Unique Invites n , text, colored paper and in both English and Spanish –Take Notice of Parents who WANT to be involved –Involve working parents by using committees
Parent Meetings –Provide Childcare –Provide Transportation –ASK them –Explain their role at the meeting –Let them know you NOTICED they weren’t there –Other locations n Example: public library-use of computers/books
Parent Meetings n Keep them coming back –Sculpts-EXAMPLE –Include Children-programs –Guest Speakers n Speak to our parents (terminology, etc.) –Recognition/Successes
Home Visits n Family Support Staff & Teaching staff go together for home visit n Teacher and parent make a lesson plan for upcoming subjects n Flexible –Times –locations
Parent Activities n Art Galleries n Science Fair n Take Home Projects –Examples: Transportation Parade (shoe boxes), Grocery/Meals (brown paper sack- favorite meal)
What ideas do you have?
Step 3 Get Parents to Volunteer
Involve Parents n Let parents know they CAN stay all day –1 st day n Explain the importance of in-kind n Offer multiple opportunities –Assistants, clerical, take home –Tell ALL staff about opportunities n Recognition for work –Volunteer Banquet –Volunteer Tree
Step 4 Provide Additional Programs
Fatherhood Initiative n SPCAA adopted Strong Fathers, Strong Families –Invite them, Don’t bribe them –Provide Activities –Don’t preach to them –VIDEO
Special Days n Grandparents Day n Field Day n Literacy Night n Family Night n Fall Festival –All activities are education based
What ideas do you have?
Step 5 Family Partnership Agreements
Goal Setting Process n Activity n Goals obtainable n Integrated goals –Example: insurance, attendance n Encouraging Notes n Follow-Up
What ideas do you have?
& Contact n –Employees only n NHSA Tab n Kenna n Rebecca