Module 1 TrackStar: Infusing Technology Into the Curriculum Patsy Kraj Spring 2011 University of West Georgia
Read Me First To Complete this module visit: TrackStar is a tool for creating guided Internet lists. It can be used for Web quests and as a collection of search materials. This is a self-guided module with tutorials to learn TrackStar and includes ideas for integrating this technology into your classroom. It is suggested that you follow one of the lesson plans and complete the track yourself so that you may gain experience from your students' point of view. To complete this module you will need a computer with Internet access and Microsoft PowerPoint software.
Who is Patsy Kraj? Patsy Kraj is a biology teacher at Wheeler High School, in Marietta, Georgia. She will be completing an Ed.S. in Instructional Technology from the University of West Georgia in Fall Mrs. Kraj has studied technology integration and desires to help teachers integrate technology into their curriculum.
Why TrackStar? TrackStar was chosen because teachers have expressed a desire to offer web quests to their students based on a survey completed after an in-service in Fall TrackStar will help teachers manage their students and increase internet safety during web use. Internet safety and classroom management were listed as areas of interest for faculty development based on survey results from the prior in-service.
TrackStar From:
Objectives Teachers will use TrackStar to implement web quests into the classroom learning experience. Teachers will work collaboratively to share designed tracks to meet Georgia Performance Standards. Teachers will be able to successfully design and create a track for use as a web quest. Students will use the teacher designed tracks.
Incentives Teachers will receive PLU credit for participating in and completing this in-service. Teachers will have access to designed tracks that adhere to Georgia Performance Standards. Integrating TrackStar meets the school technology integration requirement.
AASL – Standards for the 21 st Century Learner 1.1 Skills Follow an inquiry- based process in seeking knowledge in curricular subjects, and make the real- world connection for using this process in own life. Read, view, and listen for information presented in any format (e.g., textual, visual, media, digital) in order to make inferences and gather meaning. Make sense of information gathered from diverse sources by identifying misconceptions, main and supporting ideas, conflicting information, and point of view or bias.
AASL – Standards for the 21 st Century Learner Continued 2.1 Skills Use technology and other information tools to analyze and organize information. 2.3 Responsibilities Connect understanding to the real world. Consider diverse and global perspectives in drawing conclusions.
ISTE – National Technology Standards 2.Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments Teachers design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessments incorporating contemporary tools and resources to maximize content learning in context and to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes identified in the NETSS. Teachers: a. design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity b. develop technology-enriched learning environments that enable all students to pursue their individual curiosities and become active participants in setting their own educational goals, managing their own learning, and assessing their own progress
GPS – Georgia Performance Standards For Science Example Track SB1. Students will analyze the nature of the relationships between structures and functions in living cells. a. Explain the role of cell organelles for both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, including the cell membrane, in maintaining homeostasis and cell reproduction. SB2. Students will analyze how biological traits are passed on to successive generations. e. Compare the advantages of sexual reproduction and asexual reproduction in different situations.
Guiding Questions Consider these questions as you work through the module. 1. Why would you want to use TrackStar? 2. What are some benefits to using TrackStar as a tool for students to search the Web? 3. How can TrackStar be integrated into your curriculum?
Getting Started – Creating an Account Go to It is free to create an account Click on “create an account and start making tracks” Enter your information in the fields You will receive a confirmation shortly. Follow the instructions on the and you will be able to create tracks immediately.
Using Premade Tracks Go to In the search box enter a keyword for a topic you are looking for. Click Go to choose tracks from a list or Click Advanced to enter more information such as grade level. From the list, explore different premade tracks.
Practice – Complete a Premade Track It is your turn! Search for a premade track using a keyword from your area of content. Complete the track by following all links and answering any questions that are provided.
Lessons Learned from Premade Track Reflect on what you experienced with the premade track. 1. What elements would you include for your students? 2. What elements did not work and would not be included? 3. What are some challenges to watch out for designing a track? 4. What questions or concerns do you have about TrackStar after this experience?
Creating Your Own Track Login with your username and password Click on “Make New Track” Enter a title, grade level, length of time to keep the track, and purpose of the track. Then click “Next”. Enter each URL, title you want to cal the website, and a summary of the website in each section. You may also include questions for the students to answer. Click “save” and a track number will be assigned to the track. This number can be entered on the home page to go directly to your track.
Practice – Create Your Own Track It is your turn! Create your own track based on your content area. Include at least three websites with annotations and questions. Save the track to use collaboratively in your department.
Lessons Learned from Creating Your Own Track Reflect on what you have learned from the track creation. 1. Are there elements you need to address? 2. Are there changes that you need to make next time? 3. Are there any tips you need to remember when you are designing tracks? 4. Do you have any new questions or concerns about TrackStar after this experience?
Resources – Track Example Cellular Structure and Processes Track # Annotations by: Patsy Kraj Track Category Grade(s): Middle (5-9) Subjects(s): Science Last Modified: Sep 14, 2010 Format: Resource list
Resources – Track Example Continued Track Description: This track is to be used in tandem with a unit on cellular biology. The websites on the track will give students an in-depth look at cells, organelles, and cellular processes. These websites will appeal to multiple intelligences and include virtual laboratories. This is a student-centered activity. The teacher will offer support and guidance throughout the experience. A question sheet should be created to help reinforce important concepts. This track is designed for a 7th grade life science classroom and would also be applicable to a 9th grade biology classroom.
Resources – Track Example Continued 1. Cells Alive Cells Alive is an interactive website. This website is rich in textual information about cells. Animations provide provide visual reinforcements to the content. 2. Cell Organelles This website allows students to interact with cell models. The students can manipulate the organelles and obtain information on each organelle. The students can explore animal and plant cells. 3. Biology 4 Kids Biology 4 kids has resource information about cells and cellular processes. Students can click on vocabulary words and follow the links to more information. The website includes illustrations.
Resources – Track Example Continued 4. Cells are Amazing Cells are Amazing contains fun activities and story board descriptions of cellular processes and organelles. The students can interact here with games, videos, and activities that make the content come to life. 5. Virtual Cell Virtual Cell provides an interactive tour of cells, organelles, and processes. Students have control in their exploration of cells. Students can dissect the cell and learn about processes during their experience. 6. Microscopic Views of Cells This website provides microscopic pictures and video of cells. Unlike illustrations on other websites, this site allows students to see cells in a real-world context. Textual information leads students as they view microscopic images.
Resources – Lesson Plans OHDCJqgJ: on%2520TrackStar.doc+trackstar+lesson+plans&cd=15&hl=en& ct=clnk&gl=us&source= OHDCJqgJ: on%2520TrackStar.doc+trackstar+lesson+plans&cd=15&hl=en& ct=clnk&gl=us&source= slideshare slideshare
Resources - Tutorials jsp jsp
Resources – Tip Sheet Guide to TrackStar 2004 More Tips available at: ** de01.jsp** TrackStar home page: ** de01.jsp**
Tips Continued To Make An Instructional Track First be sure that you have located several Web sites you wish to feature in your Track. You can feature no more than 15 sites within a Track. These sites should be related to a topic you are teaching. You will need to know the title of each site and its URL (Web address). You will also want to plan the sequence of these sites. Last, you should think about what you want the student to do at each site. If they are to answer specific questions, you may want to plan those questions before beginning the Track. If you want to make a quiz or Web page to include in your Track, you should do this prior to making the Track. Be sure you know the full URL (beginning with of these pages prior to beginning the Track. Take the **Make A Quiz** or the **Build A Web Page** link from the TrackStar home page to make a quiz or Web page.**Make A Quiz****Build A Web Page** Click Login to Make or Edit a Track on the TrackStar home page. Login to Make or Edit a Track
Tips Continued On the Login page, either register (if you have never made a Track before and do not have an account) or login. You will need to remember your and password to edit your Track or to create others, so be sure you write it down and keep it somewhere safe. This information will not be sold and does not obligate you to anything. TrackStar is a free service. When you login by filling in the blanks and clicking either the Register or Login button, depending on which you did, you will be taken to your My Account page. The My Account page lists all the Tracks you have made. Above this list, click on the Make New Track link. Use the Help link on the top of all TrackStar pages if you have trouble filling out the form. Otherwise, just click in a box (field) and type in the Track title, description, type, subject area, and grade level. You may also choose to enter a Due Date or Password, if you wish.
Tips Continued Be sure you are careful when you choose the grades and subjects for your Track. This will help other teachers find the Tracks they need. At the end of this form, click the Next button. Now simply click in the title field and type the title of the first site you wish to include in your Track. Then click in the URL field and type (or copy and paste) the URL for that site. Then click on the Annotation field and type any instructions or descriptions you wish to provide the students related to this first site. Continue doing this until all your sites are included in the Track. Then scroll to the bottom of the form and click Save. Wait for the Confirmation page to appear. It will give you the Track number and the full URL. You can view the Track immediately by clicking on the link on the Confirmation page. Be sure you know the number of your Track. You and your students can use this number to find the Track quickly. Read the Tutorial on the TrackStar home page if you wish to see step-by-step detailed instructions. Tutorial From TrackStar
Evaluation The following questions are available on the required survey at: 1. As a participant, were you well informed of the objectives for this workshop? 2. Did this teacher training help you to better understand how to integrate TrackStar? 3. Will the content presented in the workshop help to improve the instruction within your classroom?
Evaluation Continued 4. Were the objectives for this workshop accomplished? 5. Did this workshop meet your expectations? 6. Would you recommend this teacher training to other faculty members? 7. After completing this training, do you feel confident to integrate TrackStar into your curriculum? 8. What suggestions can you offer that would improve this training workshop?
Student Evaluation Questions Students should reflect on their first experience with TrackStar. Possible Questions: Did the track help you to understand the content better? Was the track easy to use? Did you experience any difficulty getting started? Did the track go in-depth into the subject matter? Would you like to complete more tracks in the future?
Help is available! Help is still available when this module is completed 1. The module will continue to reside on the t-drive as a reference. 2. Contact the media center anytime with questions or to schedule a one-on-one help session.
Reference TrackStar. (2011). Retrieved February 21, 2011, from