Doing More with TeamTrack May 1, 2007
1 9/17/2015 6:14 PM Goals and Objectives Increased Reuse of Critical Assets Increased Productivity and Effectiveness Improve Quality Reduced Total Cost Increased Return on Investment (ROI) Increased Customer Satisfaction & Perception in Marketplace Increased Efficiency, response time, and accuracy Reduced Deployment Schedule Process Improvement Gains Median Productivity Gains Per Year35% Early Defect Detection22% Yearly Reduction in Post-Release Defect Reports39% Yearly Reduction in Time-To-Market19% Carnegie Mellon’s Software Engineering Institute (SEI) conducted a study in the mid 1990’s that demonstrates the benefits of repeatable, well- defined processes. The study involved 13 organizations actively engaged in process improvement for an average of years. 1 1 Hossein Saideian and Richard Kuzara. SEI Capability Maturity Model’s Impact on Contractors. IEEE Computer, January Probability CMMI-1 CMMI-2 CMMI-3 CMMI-4 CMMI-5 By meeting higher CMMI levels we can better achieve:
2 9/17/2015 6:14 PM Best Practice – Using the ITIL Model The Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL®) is a framework of best practice approaches intended to facilitate the delivery of high quality information technology (IT) services. ITIL outlines an extensive set of management procedures that are intended to support businesses in achieving both high financial quality and value in IT operations. These procedures are supplier-independent and have been developed to provide guidance across the breadth of IT infrastructure, development, and operations. 2 Wikipedia, The Free Enclopedia. Information Technology Infrastructure Library : Service Desk Incident Management Problem Management Configuration Management Change Management Release Management Service Support Service Delivery Service Level Management Capacity Management Availability Management IT Service Continuity Mgmt.
3 9/17/2015 6:14 PM Combine These Puzzling Pieces to get the Whole Project Picture Property Management Maintenance Software Inventory Infrastructure Change Management Data Base Help Desk Resource Management Vendor Information Knowledge Base Application Development
4 9/17/2015 6:14 PM TeamTrack Usage (Property Management) REQUIREMENTS Make determinations of property needed to accomplish the requirements of the contract Track the acquisition of the property from the Gov’t or as contract-acquired property Handle the receipt, protection, control (accountability), and distribution of property Track maintenance of Government property Dispose of property which is excess to the contractual requirements
5 9/17/2015 6:14 PM TeamTrack Usage (Maintenance) REQUIREMENTS Track current maintenance agreements Provide detail information about specific maintenance contracts Track costs associated with maintenance
6 9/17/2015 6:14 PM TeamTrack Usage (Software Inventory) REQUIREMENTS Track software (COTS) packages Provide the ability for users to check in/out software from the software library Track costs associated with software purchases
7 9/17/2015 6:14 PM TeamTrack Usage (Infrastructure CMDB) REQUIREMENTS Track Infrastructure devices (servers, switches, routers etc…) Provide detail information about the devices (OS level, patches, service tag number, software installed, worked performed) Reports on infrastructure (power consumption, software in use, maintenance schedules)
8 9/17/2015 6:14 PM TeamTrack Usage (Help Desk – Ticket System) REQUIREMENTS Log tickets/add notes/check progress, track action taken Keep details of users, their requests, and problems Track time and progress spent on jobs Provide knowledgebase for searching future incidents Allow escalation for overdue calls, as well as re-assignable to other support groups (software development) Report on statistics
9 9/17/2015 6:14 PM TeamTrack Usage (Help Desk - Tasks) cont. REQUIREMENTS Log tasks/add notes/check progress, track action taken Track time and progress spent on jobs Report on statistics
10 9/17/2015 6:14 PM TeamTrack Usage (Help Desk – Change Mgmt.) cont. REQUIREMENTS Log requests for change that will impact the infrastructure Track time and progress spent on jobs Report on statistics
11 9/17/2015 6:14 PM TeamTrack Usage (Help Desk – Work Requests.) cont. REQUIREMENTS Log requests for work to be performed based on approved change requests Track time and progress spent on jobs Report on statistics
12 9/17/2015 6:14 PM TeamTrack Usage (Resource Management) REQUIREMENTS Single repository to collect various types of data about employees (location, company, , phone etc…) Provide detail about property in possession of employees Track progress of tasks related to new hire setup of hire to being rolled off a project
13 9/17/2015 6:14 PM TeamTrack Usage (Eval, Purchase and Vendor Information) REQUIREMENTS Track detailed information about vendors (Name, phone, address, support/contract number)\ Provide reports of which vendors are used, and what hardware/software was purchased
14 9/17/2015 6:14 PM TeamTrack Usage (Knowledgebase) REQUIREMENTS Provide a single searchable location for the Help Desk and other resources to easily identify problems, and the documented solutions for quicker recovery time
15 9/17/2015 6:14 PM TeamTrack Usage (Application Development) REQUIREMENTS Track new application Development through a complete lifecycle Track any system change requests to the various applications Integrate to a version control system to document changes to code back to the original request Notifications from state to state Ability to assign and track responsibility Robust reporting capabilities
16 9/17/2015 6:14 PM Doing More with TeamTrack QUESTIONS?