© Crown copyright 2006 Primary National Strategy Pupil Tracking Systems Tutorial © Crown Copyright 2006
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© Crown copyright 2006 Pupil tracking The following presentation is intended to support the implementation of effective pupil tracking systems as promoted through the Primary National Strategy at whole school, class teacher and local authority level For each example there is a simple explanation followed by some prompts to support discussions on their effective use
© Crown copyright 2006 Pupil tracking linked to expectations Developing the capacity of the School Leadership Team through : Using data to track pupil progress and set expectations for each year group throughout the year Mapping and planning the use of appropriate interventions Analyse children’s work and assessments to identify high-value curricular targets Link the above to whole school professional development, including relevant subject specific support
© Crown copyright 2006 Pupil tracking linked to expectations Developing effective use of pupil tracking systems Whole school overview - to provision map interventions and set targets for improvement Class teacher – for professional dialogue to tackle barriers to learning and accelerate the progress of target groups Local Authority – to challenge what can and should be achieved and deploy resources more effectively
Whole School Grey areas indicate the minimum end of year expectation for children to be on track to achieve Level 4+ by end of Key Stage 2 Yellow areas highlight that children achieving here may still require additional intervention to ensure progress towards a secure Level 4+ at the end of Key Stage 2 Possible Target Group identified for additional intervention to accelerate their progress towards and beyond age-related expectations Simply enter each child’s name in the appropriate level at the start of the academic year
Wave 2 PNS Interventions Further Literacy Support Springboard 5 Year 3 Literacy Support Springboard 3 Year 6 Booster Springboard 6 Early Literacy Support Springboard 4
Are all our children securing level 2 or above by end of Year 2? Are all our children securing level 3 or above by end of Year 4? Are all our children securing level 4 or above by end of Year 6? Does each class teacher know about standards? How can we plan and manage all the appropriate interventions for the children that need to make accelerated progress? Whole School What about the children working significantly below age-related expectations? What about the children working above age-related expectations? What was each child’s attainment at the end of KS1? Is this where they should be?
Year 6 Class teacher Simply enter each child’s name against their achievement at the start of the academic year and then enter the total number of children for each NC level NB If children arrive or leave throughout the academic year simply add/ delete and adjust the totals The potential on track indicates the number and percentage if the children in the Target Group make accelerated progress by the end of the academic year The totals are automatically calculated to show the number and percentage of children working at age-related expectations or above at the start of the academic year The number and percentage for the potential Level 5s are also calculated Using ongoing Teacher Assessment, update grids in the spring term At the end of the academic year enter the achievement for each child The end of year totals are automatically calculated
What next? Have all the target group achieved the age-related curricular target? What are the barriers to achievement that need to be addressed? How can I use whole class and group work to accelerate their progress? Year 6 Class teacher Which interventions will best support the accelerated progress of this group? What are the key gaps in their learning? What did they achieve at the end of KS1? What about the children with SEN or more able?
© Crown copyright 2006 LA accountability LA monitoring and evaluation Capturing pupil progress data at class/ school level and using information to improve effectiveness of support, challenge and accountability at LA level
Local Authority Enter each school’s actual 2006 results for English and mathematics Enter each school’s 2007 targets for English and mathematics Using the school’s tracking information, enter the total number of children for each Year 6 cohort NB other year groups are also provided Using the school’s tracking information, enter the total number of children on track for reading, writing, English and mathematics at the start of the academic year Using the school’s tracking information, enter the total number of children expected to be on track for reading, writing, English and mathematics at the end of the academic year Enter each school’s actual 2007 results for English and mathematics at the end of the academic year The LA aggregated totals are automatically calculated
Do the school predictions meet or exceed the school targets? Do the Local Authority aggregates show value for the level of support? Who in the Local Authority needs to know this information? How are we going to deploy our resources most effectively to ensure maximum impact on pupil progress? Local Authority Are the school predictions ambitious enough? What was the attainment at end of Key Stage 1? When is this information challenged and reviewed in school? How is this information quality assured? By whom? When?
At the end of the academic year enter the actual number of children on track or above for reading, writing, English and mathematics Using the school’s tracking information, enter the total number of children expected to be on track for reading, writing, English and mathematics at the end of the academic year Year 6 information is automatically populated onto the school overview Using the school’s tracking information, enter the total number of children for Year 5, Year 4, Year 3 and Year 2 cohorts Using the school’s tracking information, enter the total number of children on track for reading, writing, English and mathematics at the start of the academic year
How are we going to deploy our resources most effectively to ensure maximum impact on pupil progress? How is this information quality assured? By whom? When? When is this information challenged and reviewed in school? Who in the Local Authority needs to know this information? Is this school on a trajectory for improvement towards and beyond the floor targets?
Information is automatically populated onto the LA cohort overview The LA aggregated totals are automatically calculated
How are we going to deploy our resources most effectively to ensure maximum impact on pupil progress? Are the LA predictions ambitious enough? What was the attainment at end of Key Stage 1? Who in the Local Authority needs to know this information? Do the Local Authority aggregates show value for the level of support?