Template: matches fanfold pocket guide for ArcPad. Width: 14”; height: 5 ½”. Each panel is 3 ½”. GPS for Fire Management Pocket Guide 14” 5 1/2” 3 1/2” fold lines
Template: Width: 14”; height: 5 ½”. Each panel is 3 ½”. Gutters: ¼” (red lines). Fold lines in dashes. Inside margins: 1/4” (extent of text – red lines). Font: Arial, 10 pt. Headers in bold. Template: Garmin eTrex Legend Fold line Gutters Print margin
Button Function This pocket reference is a supplement to the GPS for Fire Management Course Garmin is a registered trademark of Garmin International. eTrex Legend Main Pages Front GPS for Fire Management Pocket Reference for the Garmin eTrex Legend Main Menu A directory of advanced features and settings. When there is a change in datum, coordinate values change for all points on the ground. If using GPS receiver with a map, match receiver datum to map datum. If entering waypoint coordinates from other sources, change the receiver datum to the same datum those coordinates were based on. Normally the Datum should be set to WGS 84 Setup Page Satellite Page Map Page Navigation Page Front Side Zoom Out Provides a visual reference of satellites being tracked. Accuracy = Estimated Positional Error (EPE). Displays tracks and waypoints on a map. Provides guidance to a destination. Provides trip and navigation information. Press PAGE BUTTON to cycle between pages. Trip Computer Zoom In Click Stick Find Button Page Button Power Button GPS Unit Setup Datum To set up receiver, from Main Menu toggle to Setup, press Click Stick button once. Use Setup page to customize the way Units, Heading, and Time information and data are displayed. Use the Click Stick to change options. May 28, 2004 Briefing Plan mission to achieve the objectives. Logistics defined to execute and complete mission. Delivered data/product format understood. Equipment GPS receiver. Is a backup receiver advisable? Proper cables and external attachments. External re-radiating antenna. Adequate batteries or power source. Paper map and compass. Notebook and pencil. Metadata form and/or notepad. Prepare GPS receiver Set datum, coordinate system, display and time format. Download or delete old waypoints if not needed. Tracks – download or delete old tracks. Set up Track Log collection interval based on method of travel and size of area to be mapped. Check wires and connections. Updated receiver almanac for local area. Aerial mapping mission Avoid having to repeat the mission by: Briefing pilot on mission prior to takeoff. Ensuring reliable external antenna connection. Carrying spare GPS receiver and batteries. Mission Checklist Turn Gutter lines to white before printing
Track Log Setup From Main Menu, select Tracks. Press Click Stick button to open Track page. Navigate to the Clear button and press Click Stick to clear the track log. Open the Setup Track Log from the page menu. Create A Waypoint from Coordinates Mark a Waypoint Collect Track Log Back Press and hold Click Stick button to create new waypoint or from the Menu Page choose Mark to create a waypoint. Toggle to the name field and enter the point name using the waypoint code convention. Select OK and press Click Stick to save waypoint.. 1 second Interval Time = 2 hr. total log time 2 second Interval Time = 4 hr. total log time 3 second Interval Time = 3 hr. total log time 5 second Interval Time = 11 hr. total log time Suggested logging rates (adjust as needed): Helicopter: second log interval Vehicle: second log interval Walking: second log interval To start collecting a track log, set Track Log to On. To pause logging, set Track Log to Off. When mission is complete, turn GPS receiver off. Do not Save Active Log as the number of collected track points will be greatly reduced to conserve memory. Active Log page displays percentage of memory used. Monitor percentage used to ensure adequate free memory to complete the mission. Mark a waypoint then navigate to the location field using the Click Stick and change the coordinates to the desired numbers. Choose OK to save changes. To navigate to a waypoint click the Find Button, choose Waypoints and Nearest, choose a point and choose Goto. Set Log Setup to Time. Do not select Wrap. Set Record Method based on method of travel during data collection, and size of area to be mapped. Approx. 8,000 track points are available in Log. Approximate log times (start with empty Track Log): Back Side AS Accident SiteMV Medivac Site CA CampOP Observation Point BR BridgePR Protected Resource DB Division BreakRH Rehab Site*** DP Drop PointRJ Road Junction DL Dozer LineRS Radio Site FL Fire Line*SA Staging Area GT GateFO Fire Origin HA Hazard**SC Stream Crossing HB HelibaseSF Spot Fire HS HelispotST Structure IC ICPSZ Safety Zone MP MilepostIR Infrared Hotspot WS Water Source *B – Blasted, D – Dozer, H – Hand **M – Mine Shaft, S – Snag, W – Well ***F – Fence, R – Road, W – Water Example: “DBXY” = X – Y Division Break Wildfire Waypoint Codes Start Fresh To measure an area, from Main Menu choose the Accessories option, then choose the Area Calc. option. Measure an Area Clean up potentially confusing data before starting a mission. Use the screen menu on the Trip Computer page and choose Reset. If waypoints or tracks need to be preserved, make sure to download them before resetting the data. Turn Gutter lines to white before printing