Smoking Hazardous to Your Health B.PORCHELVI 513A
The Facts Smoking: Is addictive – more than heroine or cocaine Makes your clothes, hair and breath smell Turns your teeth and fingers yellow Increases risk of stroke and heart attack Increases risk of developing diabetes Is the most common cause of lung, throat and mouth cancer (Website Source:
Some Reasons: Young people are attracted to the image: Because their friends and family are smokers Cultural Influences Source: Children Youth and Women’s Health Service
What are in Cigarettes? Do YOU know?
Over 4000 Chemicals!!!! (60 of which are carcinogenic) Image courtesy of ClipArt Source:
What are some of the consequences of smoking?
Smoking Stroke Lung Cancer Stomach Cancer Throat Cancer Emphysema Heart Disease Bladder Cancer
But what does these things really look like? How do these images make you feel?
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Image courtesy of Flickr