1 Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Mrs. Dotty Harshberger
2 This power point is indented to be seen by young, maturing adults entering the workforce. Please remember this information. Sexual harassment could effect you someday.
3 Even though this graphic may appear to be comical… sexual harassment is a serious topic and concern.
4 What is sexual harassment? A form of gender discrimination.
5 Sexual harassment consists of… Unwelcome advances. Requests for sexual favors. Sexually motivated physical conduct. Verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature.
6 Sexual harassment can consist of a promise Connect an action to a promise of a promotion, raise, or job assignment. If you……me, I’ll promote you!
7 Submission to the sexual harassment is… A factor in a decision affecting the individual’s job. EXAMPLE: You’ll need to work the next holiday if you don’t…….for me.
8 Submission to the sexual harassment is Creating an hostile, intimidating, or offensive work environment.
9 Who is the harasser? The harasser can be either a supervisor or a co-worker.
10 Sexual harassment comes in two forms: 1. quid pro quo2. hostile environment
11 What is “quid pro quo” “Something for something.” A person in an authoritative position places a person subordinate to him in a compromising position. Supervisor conditions a raise, a promotion, or a favorable work assignment on the employee succumbing to sexual advances.
12 What is “hostile environment” Sexual advances or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature are unwelcome and created an intimidation, hostile or offensive work environment. Harassment can be one or two “severe” or “pervasive”
13 Harassment toward me? The victim does not have to be the person being harassed, but can be anyone affected by the offensive conduct.
14 Examples of improper sexual conduct Sexual harassment can be mere words or jokes of a sexual nature.
15 Examples of Improper Sexual Conduct Sexual harassment can be words in conjunction with conduct. EXAMPLE: Asking an employee to dig coins out of a supervisor’s pants’ pocket.
16 Examples of Improper Sexual Conduct Touching or groping. Sexual gestures. Graffiti of sexual nature.
17 Examples of improper sexual conduct can include… Unwelcome sexual advances. Touching of a sexual nature.
18 Examples of improper sexual conduct can include… Displaying or distributing of sexually explicit drawing, pictures, or written materials.
19 Examples of improper sexual conduct can include… Repeatedly forcing a person to listen to dirty jokes, looking at pornography, or to listen to co-workers or supervisors talk about their sexual encounters or fantasies.
20 Examples of improper sexual conduct can include… Pressure to sexual favors. Sexually explicit s. Touching oneself sexually or talking about one’s sexual activities in front of others.
21 Help…
22 What should you do if it happens to you?
23 What happens when you report sexual harassment? Once a complaint of sexual harassment is made, the informed person has a legal obligation to investigate the claim, which can include questioning co-workers and the harasser.
24 Will my boss retaliate? The law protects any person who has filed a charge, testified, assisted, or participated in any way to the investigation.
25 What if there is retaliation? An employee will have a claim of “retaliation” in addition to a claim of sexual harassment.
26 Source of Information “Sexual Harassment in the Workplace: Frequently Asked Questions and General Legal Information on Producers and Policies.” Distributed by the state of New York, Eliot Spitzer, State Attorney General.