The Things our Government Does for U.S. By: Juan C. Gonzalez Period 1
Way and Means Committee in the House
THE BOSS! Leader: Congressman Dave Camp When the 112 th Congress convened in January of 2011, Camp was chosen to serve as Chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means.
Follow the Leader Wally Herger, CA Sam Johnson, TX Kevin Brady, TX Paul Ryan, WI Devin Nunes, CA Pat Tiberi, OH Geoff Davis, KY Dave G. Reichert, WA Charles W. Boustany Jr., LA Peter J. Roskam, IL Jim Gerlach, PA Tom Price, GA Vern Buchanan, FL Adrian Smith, NE Aaron Schock, IL Lynn Jenkins, KS Erik Paulsen, MN Wally Herger, CA Sam Johnson, TX Kevin Brady, TX Paul Ryan, WI Devin Nunes, CA Pat Tiberi, OH Geoff Davis, KY Dave G. Reichert, WA Charles W. Boustany Jr., LA Peter J. Roskam, IL Jim Gerlach, PA Tom Price, GA Vern Buchanan, FL Adrian Smith, NE Aaron Schock, IL Lynn Jenkins, KS Erik Paulsen, MN Kenny Marchant, TX Rick Berg, ND Diane Black, TN Tom Reed, NY Sander Levin, MI Ranking Member Charles B. Rangel, NY* Fortney Pete Stark, CA Jim McDermott, WA John Lewis, GA Richard E. Neal, MA Xavier Becerra, CA Lloyd Doggett, TX Mike Thompson, CA John B. Larson, CT Earl Blumenauer, OR Ron Kind, WI Bill Pascrell Jr., NJ Shelley Berkley, NV Joseph Crowley, NY Kenny Marchant, TX Rick Berg, ND Diane Black, TN Tom Reed, NY Sander Levin, MI Ranking Member Charles B. Rangel, NY* Fortney Pete Stark, CA Jim McDermott, WA John Lewis, GA Richard E. Neal, MA Xavier Becerra, CA Lloyd Doggett, TX Mike Thompson, CA John B. Larson, CT Earl Blumenauer, OR Ron Kind, WI Bill Pascrell Jr., NJ Shelley Berkley, NV Joseph Crowley, NY
To Do List Economic and Budget Jurisdiction of Taxes - Tax Reform Jurisdiction of Health -Medicare Jurisdiction of Human Resources -Welfare Reform/ Unemployment Jurisdiction of Social Security Jurisdiction of Trade -WTO (World Trade Organization)
Back in the Day The Committee on Ways and Means is the oldest committee of the United States Congress. It is the chief tax-writing committee in the House of Representatives. First established as a select committee on July 24, 1789, Eight Presidents and eight Vice Presidents have served on Ways and Means,
Oversight Plan For 2011
Committee on Aging In the Senate
The Head Honcho Chairman Herb Kohl Herb Kohl was elected to the Senate in 1988 and re-elected to a fourth six-year term in Then in 2007 elected to Chairman of the Committee on Aging. Owner of the Milwaukee Bucks.
THE MEMBERS! Democrats Herb Kohl, Chairman (Wisconsin) Ron Wyden (Oregon) Bill Nelson (Florida) Bob Casey (Pennsylvania) Claire McCaskill (Missouri) Sheldon Whitehouse ( Rhode Island) Sheldon Whitehouse ( Rhode Island) Mark Udall (Colorado) Michael Bennet (Colorado) Kirsten Gillibrand (New York) Joe Manchin, III (West Virginia) Richard Blumenthal (Connecticut) Republicans Bob Corker, Ranking Member (Tennessee) Bob Corker, Ranking Member (Tennessee) Susan Collins (Maine) Orrin Hatch (Utah) Mark Kirk, III (Illinois) Dean Heller (Nevada) Jerry Moran (Kansas) Ronald H. Johnson (Wisconsin) Richard Shelby (Alabama) Lindsey Graham (South Carolina) Lindsey Graham (South Carolina) Saxby Chambliss (Georgia)
What’s This Special Committee is designed to protect the elderly. They mainly carry out plans on: Health Care Long Term Care Social Security Retirement Affordable Senior Housing
Once upon a time The Senate Special Committee on Aging was first established in 1961 as a temporary committee. It was granted permanent status on February 1, No legislative authority.
Getting Stuff Done As Chairman, Kohl passed a law to improve the quality of care in America’s 16,000 nursing homes, and created a nationwide grant program for the creation of a comprehensive system of background checks to ensure that people with abusive and criminal histories are not hired to work closely with elderly patients in long-term care settings.