Service-Learning is a great teaching tool that allows students to learn about themselves, their community, and to give back to a place that has given them so much.
Holly Hill This is me at Holly Hill Nursing Home. While there with my church group, I led singing, prayer, and visited members who were no longer able to attend services.
Holly Hill
Relay For Life At Relay For Life, students from all around campus came together to support cancer research and cancer patients. While there, the FYE group sold smoothies, and had a little bit of fun as well.
Relay For Life
VSU Baseball Close to the end of the semester, a few of us went out to support the Blazers in their game against Georgia College. We won!
Benefits The benefits of service-learning are many. But the main benefit any student can get out of it is the sense of connection one begins to feel with the community. It becomes less of a place you “are” and more of a place you “live”.
My Benefits Personally, my service learning projects have helped me in a couple ways. Particularly, it has helped me with my selfishness. I tend to think about myself a lot. Service-learning has helped me to think about others instead of just myself.