OUR POLICY Westerns is committed to providing a work environment that fosters mutual employee respect, in which employees can work without distress or interference caused by harassment. The company recognises that our employees are entitled to a workplace which is free from harassment, in which they are treated with courtesy, dignity and respect. Westerns’ position is firm. Any form of emotional, sexual or physical harassment in the form of unwelcome and offensive behaviour, which involves verbal, written, visual or physical affront, by and towards Westerns employees, contractors, suppliers and customers is considered unacceptable, and will not be tolerated in our business. It is the responsibility of all our employees to ensure that they respect the rights of their fellow employees, including the right to work in an environment free of harassment and discrimination.
OUR POLICY It is the responsibility of all our employees to ensure that they respect the rights of their fellow employees, including the right to work in an environment free of harassment and discrimination.
OUR RATIONALE Through Westerns’ harassment policy and procedures, and education and support program, we aim to: Provide a workplace which is free from harassment, in which our employees are treated with courtesy, dignity and respect. Deal with any harassment issues in a professional manner. Eliminate and prevent harassment in the workplace.
WHAT IS HARASSMENT? HARASSMENT is any unwelcome behaviour or action directed against another person, that offends, humiliates or intimidates a person. It can be physical, verbal, written, visual, or by innuendo, and can relate to a person’s sex, racial or ethnic background, religion, political affiliation, sexual preference, or personal attributes, age, colour, physical features, disability, industrial activity, pregnancy, marital, status, status as a parent or carer, or personal association with a person with any of the above attributes.
WHAT IS HARASSMENT? The intention or motive of an individual is irrelevant in respect to whether the individual’s behaviour was unwelcome, and as such, can constitute harassment. When a person experiences or observes a particular behaviour, it is the way that person perceives the behaviour that is critical.
Some examples of harassment : Demeaning / derogatory comments about physical appearance, or perceived sexual preference Unwelcome comments about a person’s private (sex) life Sex or racial based insults, taunts or name- calling Uninvited familiarity or physical contact such as touching, fondling, putting an arm around a person. Isolation / segregation, of those from minority racial or ethnic backgrounds
Some examples of harassment : Repeated irrelevant reference to a person’s racial, cultural or ethnic backgrounds Campaigns of hatred and silence directed only at members of a non-majority ethnic group Sexual jokes or comments, offensive communication – phone calls, photographs, graffiti, reading matter or objects
What are the implications? Depending on the circumstances, employees may face disciplinary action such as re- education/training, counseling, warning, demotion, suspension and even dismissal. Those who hold positions of authority who knowingly tolerate such behaviour are also guilty of misconduct.