12 th Grade ICAP Goal Setting
Overview 1.Review DPS Transcript o Option 1: Print and distribute transcripts by class o Option 2: Have students log onto student portal 2.Complete/update Naviance 4-year Academic Plan and “My ICAP” Survey 3.Ensure post-secondary goals are SMART 4.Discuss importance of having Plan A and Plan B 5.Review skills for post-secondary readiness and the importance of the senior year
Transcript Review via Student Portal From here, you can view your attendance, grades, & other important information to help you stay on-track.
1)Click “Grades” 2)Click “GPA & Transcript Access” 3) Click “DPS Transcript”
Check your GPA and ACT scores and compare with the college index. Schedule to re-take the ACT if you would like to improve your scores.
Overcoming the ACT Test Obstacle If you still aren’t happy with your score(s), o Study for and schedule to re-take the ACT test o Continue working on improving your GPA to help increase your total Index Score If your scores don’t meet the college ready benchmark, o Study for and schedule to re-take the Accuplacer test on a college campus as an alternative way to meet the college ready benchmark. o OR, make sure you’ve taken and passed the Dev. Ed. Course equivalent with a C- or higher to show the college that you are ready for college level coursework, without remediation. You can get into college without these scores/courses but you will start by taking remedial course (not college level), which means you will not receive financial aid for those courses or any college credit toward graduation) Accuplacer Target ScoreEquivalent Dev. Ed Course Elem Algebra≥ 85MAT 050 &/or 055 Sentence Skills ≥ 70CCR 092 Reading≥ 62CCR 092
ACT Schedule Test DateRegistration DeadlineLate Registration (late fee required) October ___September ___ December ___November ___ February ___January ___ April ___March ___ To register, visit Cost: $34.00 Cost with optional writing test: $49.50 Late registration fee: addition $21.00 Fee waivers are available to students who qualify for free/reduced lunch
SAT Schedule Test DateRegistration DeadlineLate Registration (late fee required) To register, visit Cost: $49.00 Late registration fee: additional $26.00 First subject test: $22.00 Additional subject tests taken on same date: $11.00 Fee waivers are available to students who qualify for free/reduced lunch
Add up your total credits earned. Subtract this number from 240 to see how many credits you need to earn your senior year.
Transcript Review
Credit Check 40 credits 30 credits 20 World Language 10 PE/Band/ROTC 10 Fine Arts/Tech Ed 60 other electives 240 credits total Identify the classes and # of credits you need to recover Each box = 5 credits
4-Year Plan Map out which courses you need to take/pass this semester or next second semester in order to meet graduation requirements and graduate with your peers.
Naviance 4-Year Course Plan Open a new tab and log-in to Naviance using the following Username and Password Student ID # mmddyy Click, “Log In”
DPS Surveys Click “about me” Click “Academic Plan Survey” Complete surveys and click
4-Year Plan Credit Check Check to see that the credits in your plan meet the credits required for graduation. SubjectRequired CreditsMy total credits? English40 credits (4 units) Math40 credits (4 units) Social Studies30 credits (3 units) Science30 credits (3 units) PE/ROTC10 credits (1 unit) Electives90 credits (9 units)
Credit Recovery If you’re on track… o what do you need to continue doing to stay on-track and finish strong? If you’re off-track… o It may be difficult, but it’s not too late to make a change and get back on-track o Explain how credit recovery works at your school
Credit Recovery Credit Recovery – a class that is taken online or in the classroom in which students work to earn credit for a class in which they previously failed o Cost: $25 per class o Passing Score: A student must score at least 80% (an A or B) on all unit tests in order to earn credit for the class. o On your transcript, the recovered course will be recorded as a new course, with a new grade. Unfortunately, your original course grade will also remain on your transcript.
Credit Recovery What will you do differently this time in order to earn an A or B and recover these credits? What is your plan to help you stay on-track moving forward? If you are more than 30 credits off-track, you may want to consider a Multiple or Intensive Pathway school as an option to help support you in recovering credits and finding a PS readiness educational pathway that will lead you to graduation. Set up a meeting with your counselor as soon as possible!
Post-Secondary Readiness Academic Skills o ACT, GPA, AP scores + High level literacy, math, science, technology, research, communication, and leadership skills Academic Beliefs o Belief in self, in one’s effort, in personal control over results, etc. Academic Behaviors o Self-discipline, study skills, attendance, time-management, work ethic, etc Academic Planning o Complete college essays on Naviance o Complete relevant placement testing: Study and sign-in for AP assessments Re-take ACT if within 2-3 points of your admissions goal Otherwise, begin studying for Accuplacer Or take and pass college remedial (Dev Ed) courses before graduating o In the next several months, plan to… Apply to at least 3 scholarships and turn into DSF advisor Apply for FAFSA Complete a college and/or other application aligned with PS goal
Ensuring my goals are SMART Specific Measureable Attainable Realistic Time specific Complete Worksheet with Plan A, Plan B, etc.
Budgeting Go to Click #2 “Future Salary” Enter the lowest salary you would accept in order to include as many occupational choices as possible If the site is not working, click $26,000
Select Education & Cluster Goal Click “Get Careers” Select your education goal and Career Cluster Record your Cluster selection on your handout
Career & Salary Record the salary of careers in your interest area that accept your level of education and meet or exceed your salary goal. Circle the annual salary (above) of the career you are most interested in pursuing CareerAnnual Salary
Monthly Salary After Taxes Take this salary and times it by.8 to get an estimate of your take home salary after federal and state taxes, social security, and Medicare deductions. Annual salary: $________________ X.8 = $________________ (Annual salary after taxes) Take this number and divide it by 12 to get your estimated monthly income after taxes. Annual salary after taxes: $ ______________ / 12 months = $ _____________ (Monthly pay)
Plan Your Budget
Naviance 4-Year Plan & ICAP Survey Open a new tab and log-in to Naviance using the following Username and Password Student ID # mmddyy Click, “Log In”
Academic Plan & ICAP Survey Click “about me” Click to take the following surveys “Course Plan Survey” “ICAP Survey” Complete each surveys and click
Course Plan
4-Year Plan Credit Check Check to see that the credits in your plan meet the credits required for graduation. SubjectRequired CreditsMy total credits? English40 credits (4 units) Math40 credits (4 units) Social Studies30 credits (3 units) Science30 credits (3 units) PE/ROTC10 credits (1 unit) Electives90 credits (9 units)
“My ICAP” Complete questions 1 – 4 and 11 – 13 And