Technical Program and Proceedings Quality Gordon MacPherson Manager, IEEE eXpress Conference Publishing Susan Hutton IEEE Conference Content Manager
Topics for discussion: I. PDF eXpress II. IEEE e-Copyright Form III. CrossCheck Anti-plagiarism Tool
PDF eXpress
PDF eXpress is an IEEE-sponsored tool that assists conference authors in meeting the latest IEEE Xplore® requirements for PDF files. Usage is restricted to conferences that have completed the acquisitions process through the IEEE Conference Content Management team. PDF eXpress is a software package that will perform one of two functions: It will convert a non-PDF source document into a PDF that meets IEEE Xplore® requirements, or… It will confirm that an author-generated PDF meets IEEE Xplore® requirements (and if not, it will identify the issues that are causing problems for that PDF).
Why should I recommend that authors submitting papers to my conference use PDF eXpress – what are the benefits? • Help your authors convert a wide range of application formats (including Word, LaTeX, Pagemaker, Quark XPress) to PDFs that meet IEEE Xplore® requirements • Check author-created PDFs and report whether or not they meet IEEE Xplore® requirements – avoid the delay and extra costs involved in manual scanning of problematic files • Get assistance in correcting problems with PDFs from an experienced support technician • Improve the onscreen quality of your proceedings: the paper appears in IEEE Xplore® exactly as the author intended it to • Contribute toward ensuring that your conference proceedings will be posted on IEEE Xplore® in a timely fashion (while recognizing that there are a number of other variables that can also affect timeliness)
As a Pubs chair, how do I get my own PDF eXpress site? Visit to register your conference You will receive a welcome package via e-mail, including a project-specific URL, and Conference ID to send along to the authors whose papers have been accepted for presentation at your conference Place a prominent link on your conference’s homepage to your PDF eXpress site (as in this example):
How does an author start using PDF eXpress? First, set up an ‘author account’ on the site…
What does PDF eXpress look and act like?
How do I know that my file was converted successfully How do I know that my file was converted successfully? (Note circled areas – these fields are populated from information the conference pub chair provided when requesting the PDF eXpress site set-up)
What happens when my file fails PDF eXpress checking/validation?
Using the PDF Check Report
More help is available! Use our FAQs (below), or communicate by phone or e-mail with a support technician:
My source file has no apparent problems, but I notice a problem in my ‘approved’ PDF… I need more help.
CrossCheck Anti-plagiarism Tool 27-Mar-17
3/27/2017 CrossCheck Is… A plagiarism detection tool for the publishing industry developed by CrossRef and the software firm iParadigms ( Plagiarism detection systems are only as effective as the source content within them CrossCheck’s significant advantage over all other similar services is that it includes the indexed, full-text content of participating CrossRef members 27-Mar-17
A Sample of CrossCheck Member Publishers American Institute of Physics (AIP) American Physical Society (APS) Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) BioMed Central Cambridge University Press Digital Science Press Elsevier Nature Publishing Group New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) Oxford University Press Rockefeller University Press Springer Taylor & Francis Wiley-Blackwell Wolters Kluwer
CrossCheck Provides… Time and labor efficiencies for editors and reviewers who will not waste efforts on problematic submissions Protection for the integrity of IEEE’s publications program, and by extension, all of IEEE Effective quality control across IEEE’s published content 27-Mar-17
How CrossCheck Works Compares submitted material to a vast database of material published in the scientific/medical/technical fields Returns a report that shows percentages of the same material found in the submitted manuscript and other published documents, with highlighted text to show verbatim passages 27-Mar-17
Fees and Costs Use of CrossCheck involves a per-manuscript checking fee based on a volume-discount scale, as shown in the following table: If IEEE’s estimated total per-document use for 2009 is in the 25-50K range (shaded), then an annual fee of around $30K can be anticipated 27-Mar-17
CrossCheck Benefits CrossCheck can be integrated into existing manuscript submission systems Streamlined functionality and ease of use Solid staff support from IPR Office and Pub Technology Office Costs are built into Pub Admin budget Launch year 2009 is available to volunteers and staff to evaluate and refine our use of the tool 27-Mar-17
CrossCheck Evaluation, 2010 2009 is available to volunteers and staff to test, refine and evaluate our use of CrossCheck Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Office will issue an evaluation in 1Q 2010 27-Mar-17
If you’re ready to use Crosscheck… Primary Contact: Bill Hagen, Manager IEEE Intellectual Property Rights Office 445 Hoes Lane Piscataway, NJ 08855 (732) 562-3966 27-Mar-17
IEEE e-Copyright Form (eCF) Revisions 27-Mar-17
Purpose of Revisions to eCF 3/27/2017 Purpose of Revisions to eCF Revisions to the IEEE Copyright Form are in response to the Conference Presentations Online application The revised form serves two important purposes: To transfer copyright to author’s paper and to license audio/video rights to IEEE To transfer and license using one form, under one signature 27-Mar-17
Three Types of Rights Rights to three separate types of content are assigned to IEEE: Copyright to the paper (this also includes multimedia components associated/embedded within the paper) License to record and to use the recording for any purpose, including any commercial purpose License to reuse any presentation aids, such as (but not limited to) PowerPoints 27-Mar-17
Check Box Opt-Out A simple check box is provided at the end of this new section for authors who do not wish to license these rights “[ ] Please check this box if you do not wish to have video/audio recordings made of your conference presentation” 27-Mar-17
Implementation in the eCF, Part 1 Two new steps added to the eCF Wizard: First step: eCF Wizard asks the author, “Are you submitting this paper to an upcoming conference?” If the answer to this question is “No,” then the process continues as before, without any further variation 27-Mar-17
Implementation in the eCF, Part 2 Step 2: If the answer is “Yes,” then a window will pop up for the author’s benefit with wording based on the “Consent and Release” Pop-up window includes same opt-out wording and check box 27-Mar-17
Conference Publications Current Initiatives 27-Mar-17
Current Initiatives Peer Review Initiative Web re-design Initiative 27-Mar-17
Technical Program Peer Review Initiative Triage Request for Information Tools vetted List of Peer Review providers (in no way supported or endorsed) Feedback at POCO Current State Interviews Stakeholders (VPs of conferences, TP Chairs) SME’s (authors, reviewers) Surveys Definition of questions Focus Groups TPC authors, reviewers Participation in TPC meetings Future State IEEE Best Practices Approaches Models Process Rules Experts Tools (recommended, preferred) Vendors (recommended, preferred)
Web re-design Initiative Simplified access to web pages Step-by-step process for Technical Program and Publications Easy access to resource links Best practices guidelines
Thank you! Gordon MacPherson Susan Hutton +1 732 562 3890 Susan Hutton +1 732 562 5486 27-Mar-17