Levels of the Council of Europe and Cambridge Main Suite Exams
New edition of KET examination papers Four official examination papers Extra activities Extra exam tips Extra practice using the CD-ROM to prepare students for computer-based KET
Common mistakes at KET Liz Driscoll Easy to use with clear layout and explanations Exam-style exercises Regular tests to consolidate learning Ideal for self-study
Objective KET Annette Capel, Wendy Sharp Complete preparation for the Cambridge Key English Test examination Combines solid language development with systematic and thorough exam preparation and practice Each exam task is covered in the 20 'Exam Folders' The 5 'Writing Folders' develop writing skills and give practice in all the exam tasks Teacher's Book contains photocopiable tests and activities, a full answer key, recording scripts and helpful lesson notes
Objective KET for Schools Annette Capel, Wendy Sharp Two complete practice tests Audio CD Answer key and complete audio scripts Based on topics in Objective KET SB Suitable as standalone tests or can be used to supplement Objective KET SB
New edition of PET examination papers
Objective PET Louise Hashemi and Barbara Thomas Combines thorough and systematic exam preparation while improving students’ overall language level Regular revision units recycle grammar and vocabulary ‘Writing Folders’ develop the full range of writing skills ‘Exams Folders’ provide helpful advice for the exam Teacher’s Book offers complete support with time-saving ideas, regular progress tests, and a bank of supplementary photocopiable material
Objective PET for Schools Louise Hashemi and Barbara Thomas Two complete practice tests Audio CD Answer key and complete audio scripts Based on topics in Objective PET SB Suitable as standalone tests or can be used to supplement Objective PET SB
Insight into PET Helen Naylor and Stuart Hagger Organised paper by paper Provides thorough exam coverage Includes supplementary activities for the classroom or home study Provides flexibility to extend lessons
Supplementary materials for PET preparation
Making Progress to First Certificate Leo Jones Leads students up to the level required to begin a First Certificate exam-directed course Introduces the skills needed for each paper of the exam, begins to familiarise students with the sort of tasks they will encounter in it An entertaining and worthwhile course for anyone who needs to make progress at this level
FCE Past Papers
Objective First Certificate Annette Capel, Wendy Sharp Thirty units each containing two double-page lessons Training in exam skills together with language development Variety of texts and recordings on topics interesting for young adults 15 Exam Folders 15 Writing Folders (letters, reports, stories, articles, compositions) Self-study Student's Book with answers, explanations and tape scripts
FCE: Writing compositions/essays
What can be improved in your composition?
Complete First Certificate Guy Brook-Hart Student’s Book is accompanied by a compact disk with interactive tests and supplementary exercises The course is recommended both for group and individual work Teacher’s Book contains additional photocopiable materials Texts and writing topics are adjusted to the interests of young adults Review pages for every unit
Common Mistakes at…