Instructions To use this template: –for each slide write the correct answer on the orange bar first –choose which option (A,B,C or D) and make sure you write the letter on the orange bar in place of the question mark –Now drag the orange bar on top of the correct option so it sits exactly over the top - now when you click through the onscreen animation, the correct answer will appear to be illuminated –View the next slide to see how it should look
$1,000,000 Example of how it looks when complete, click on-screen show to view the animations B - correct answer A - answer C - answer D - answer B - correct answer
Who wants to be a Millionaire? Hosted by Ms. Alexander
Rules Divided into two teams (red and black) A person from each team signs up for a question amount in advance Students who sign up for 2 questions must allow at least 5 people in between their turns Both teams will answer a question for each point value (but the questions will be different)
Point Values 1 - $ $ $ $1, $2, $4, $8, $16, $32, $64, $125, $250, $500, $1,000,000
Lifelines 50/50 Phone a friend Poll the team
$100 Which of these is NOT a programming language taught this school year? B - Jeroo A - Java C - Perl D - Alice C - Perl
$100 Jeroos most closely resembled what kind of real-life animal? B – Wallaby/Kangaroo A - Penguin C - Ostrich D - Koala B – Wallaby/Kangaroo
$200 Which of these packages is associated with class Scanner? B – java.util.* A – javax.swing.* C – java.lang.Math.* D – console.nextInt() B – java.util.*
$200 Which of these methods is associated with class String? B – max() A – nextInt() C – random() D – length()
$500 Which of these is a reserved word in Java? B - INT A - int C - Char D - CHAR A - int
$500 A loop that executes endlessly is called ________? B – indefinite A – long C – update D – infinite
$1,000 Which of these is a data type for whole numbers? B - short A - double C - float D - boolean B - short
$1,000 What does floor(67.994) return? B – 68.0 A - 68 C - 67 D – 67.0 C - 67
$2,000 Which of the following is NOT a legal conditional statement? B – y >= x A – z == 21 C – x*4 < z D – z = y+2*xD - z = y+2*x
$2000 Which of these is a legal Java identifier? B – 2May A – STOP! C – First Exam D – RS6S6
$4,000 A _________ while loop uses a Boolean variable to control the loop. B - flag-controlled A - DO C – sentinel-controlled D – counter-controlled B – flag-controlled
$4,000 Which of the following statements declares a variable? B – y = 25 + x; A – int x = 54; C - Boolean flag; D – radius = console.nextInt() C – Boolean flag;
$8,000 Which of the following is an update statement? B – x++; A – x = y + 5; C – x = 15; D – x-y = 6; B – x++;
$8,000 In Java, what symbol is used to access class methods associated with objects? B - asterisk A - dot C - ampersand D - parenthesis A - dot
$16,000 Which of the following is the Java symbol for the newline escape sequence? B - /n A - / C - \n D - \ C - \n
$16,000 How would you call the following method header? Public static int average(int a, int b, int c); B – int ans=average(4,5,6) A – average(4,5,6) C – int ans=avg(4,5,6) D – double ans=avg(4.5,5.0,6.5) B - int ans=average(4,5,6)
$32,000 The value of 22 % 7 is? B - 1 A - 3 C – D – 22/7 B - 1
$32,000 Which of these languages is programmed in 0’s and 1’s? B – assembly language A – machine code C - Java D – high-level language A – machine code
$64,000 Given str=“Summer break!”, which of the following returns 5? B – str.indexOf(e); A – str.compareTo(“STOP”); C – str.indexOf(r); D – str.length(); C – str.indexOf(r);
$64,000 Which of these is the best method header for printing a random message a user-chosen number of times? B – int randMes(String mess) A – String randMes(int x) C – void randMes( ) D - void randMes(int x)D – void randMes(int x)
$125,000 What is the job of the compiler? B - where you write your code A – high-level bytecode C - debugger D – helps you save your files A – high-level bytecode
$125,000 What is the + symbol called when referencing Strings? B – plus sign A - pound C - concatenate D - combiner C - concatenate
$250,000 What is the output of the following loop? for (int i=0; i<5; i++) { System.out.print(“*”); } B - * * * * * A – * * * * C - ***** D - ****** C - *****
$250,000 The syntax to use the method compareTo() is: B – compareTo(str1, str2) A – str1.compareTo(str2) C – str1.compareTo.str2 D – (str1)compareTo.str2 A – str1.compareTo(str2)
$500,000 In the following code, what is the final value of ‘s’? int i=0; int s=0; for (i=0; i<5; i++) { s = 2 * s + i; System.out.print(s + “ “); }
$500,000 What is the difference between arguments and parameters?
$1,000,000 Write a class definition for class circle, which contains an instance variable for radius and methods for area (pi*r 2 ) and volume (4/3*pi*r 3 )
$1,000,000 Write a class definition for class rectangle, which contains an instance variable for length and width and methods for area (L*W) and perimeter (2*L + 2*W)