Section 6 Theory Software Copyright, Viruses and Hacking
Lesson Objectives By the end of this lesson you will be able to: (a)Explain what is meant by Software Copyright. (b) Describe Computer viruses, hacking and how to protect against these items.
What is Software Copyright? People or organisations spent time and money developing new software. “Do they have the right to protect their work from being copied and used by others without their permission?” You have 2 minutes. Discuss! What are your thoughts?
Definition –Software Copyright When companies try to protect their work from being copied and used by other without their permission. This is called Software Copyright. Software Copyright covers: The Lawful protection given to authors and publishers – Relates to the software the author/publisher created/published – Prevents purchaser from making unlimited copies/lend it to others – Change the software/sell it without the company’s permission Software being copied or sold or given to others (without payment) Using Copyrighted names without permission Software being amended and passed of as your own
Viruses are everywhere!! Even Macs have Viruses….
Computer Viruses A Virus is a program that replicates(copies) it self and can cause harm by the following methods: – Copying files – Deleting files – Corrupting files Viruses are designed to: – Spy on your online use – e.g. : Collect username and passwords Collect card numbers used for online purchases – make a computer system unreliable / crash / delete data – copy itself between computers / within one computer
How do we protect against viruses? Preventing a virus attack Install anti-virus software. Must be kept up to date and scan regularly Do not open attachments unless you know the sender Do not attach portable drives or memory sticks unless they have been scanned for viruses Not download games or software from a website unless it is a trusted site
Hacking and hackers Hacking is the process of gaining unauthorised access to a computer system. Hackers often access computer systems using the internet. How? – Guess the users password – Install software on the user’s pc without their permission to log the users key presses(records what you type) The software is called Spyware or key-logging software Why do people hack? – To see if they can access a secure system – To commit fraud by changing data etc. – To access confidential information.
How do we protect against hackers? Purpose of a Firewall To prevent user accessing a computer or network using the internet To prevent undesirable content (e.g. pornography, violent videos etc.) being accessed by users of the internet. Use a firewall – a firewall is hardware, software, or both that checks the data being sent or received by your computer either to let it through or block it.
Task Attempt questions 1 and 2 on page 55. Please use your notes to ensure you have included keywords. You have 10 – 15 minutes and then we will go through the answers.
Answers Q1a two from – program – designed to make a computer system unreliable / crash / delete data – copies itself – between computers / within one computer
Answers Q1b two from – unauthorised – attempting to gain access – to a computer system
Answers Q2a one from Anti-virus software Virus scanner Q2b two from unauthorised attempting to gain access to a computer system
Plenary Questions – Copyright… What does Software Copyright cover? The Lawful protection given to authors and publishers – Relates to the software the author/publisher created/published – Prevents purchaser from making unlimited copies/lend it to others – Change the software/sell it without the company’s permission Software being copied or sold or given to others (without payment) Using Copyrighted names without permission Software being amended and passed of as your own