WHY DID WE CHOOSE OUR IDEA? Making it easier to the patients to exercise in the hospitals. It didn’t have to be so expensive. Easiest way to train in bed. It’s very practical, easy to move and remove. It’s contemporary.
THE D-TRAINER AND IT’S BENIFITS It’s called the D-Trainer because it’s shaped like a D. It’s a workout for people on the hospitals who can’t get up of bed. The arch is made of plastic and carbon fiber. Our target group.
BUSINESS PLAN YEAR 1 Send out emalis to Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland. Try to go to so many meetings with the hospitals as possible and go to conventions to talk about our product. We move the production to Bankok because it’s cheaper to make the product. Advertising in the homapages to the hospitals. Make a Facebookpage so private persons and other companys can see and read about our product. We take patent.
YEAR 2 Advertising on the homnepages to the hospitals. Expanding advertising. Open up more bransches to inhance contact to other countries. We expand to Germany, Switzerland, Austria and England.
YEAR 3 We are opening up the bransch in Denmark. We can now go global. Expand the advertising.
PROFITS AND EXPENCES In year 1 we have an estemated profit of €. Tha’ts with the cost of the beds and VAT. In year 2 we have an estemated profit of €. In year 3 we have an estemated profit of €. The total for the carbon fiber and the plastic expences for the first year 1803,50 €.
HOW WILL YOU MARKET YOUR PRODUCT? We will increase marketing throught 3 years. In the beginning we would attend to alot of conventions. Sending s to hospitals. Building up a homepage for marketing. Facebookpage.
SWOT ANALYSIS Strenghts No competitors No competitors You can exercise in the bed. You can exercise in the bed. It’s very easy to move and remove. It’s very easy to move and remove.Weaknesses The material The material Money Money Opportunities Easier for the patients to get better. Easier for the patients to get better.Threats Someone steels your idea. Someone steels your idea. Money, if nobody wants to buy it. Money, if nobody wants to buy it.