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C-STORE OFFICE INVOICE ENTRY Manual and Data Entry (Full Service) of invoices.
Need to Know: Training Pre-Requisites By attending this training, the assumption has been made that you have went through your price book training. This training is for both manual entry, as well as those accounts that have elected to purchase the add on features from C-Store Office to process their retail and (or) fuel invoices. With the Data Entry option, you can get either MERCHANDISE, FUEL or BOTH types of invoice processed. (contact your sales representative for costs and details). With the Data Entry option, we do not currently process lottery, expense or shift paperwork (Example: snow removal, utilities, etc.)
Introduction Welcome to C-Store Office My name is Larry Lang - Data Processing Manager. How to reach me: Ext
Agenda How to manually enter an invoice. What is the VIN and how to make entries using it. The different ways to upload an invoice. Drag and drop Picture Scanner The importance of selecting the correct method of payment and shift number. The difference between a “1” and “2” step process in accepting invoices. How to use the other areas of the scanner: Lottery Expenses Shift What to do when receiving questions from operators How to handle invoice with incorrect costs and or retails. Breaking down the pop up for making changes to the invoice and how they may or may now effect the price book Accepting completed invoices
Let’s get started! =)
What have you learned? Review questions
Review Questions Where should you respond to questions about Invoices from the Operators? A)Doc Scanner B)Pending Invoices C)Call the Operator on the phone The correct answer is: A “Doc Scanner”
Review Questions Where do you find the “Pending Invoices”? A)Doc Scanner B)In your filing cabinet under “Pending” C)Pending Invoice Report The correct answer is: C “Pending Invoice Report”
Review Questions You can Edit a mistake in an “Accepted” Invoice? A)True B)False The correct answer is: False “You must go into the Invoice Report, find and click on the Invoice, Append to Pending Invoices, go back into Pending Invoices to make the change and Accept the Invoice again”
Review Questions If you see a Red Flag in the Pending Invoice Consolidated Report, what does this mean? A)You have a comment from the Operator that they need additional information to be placed in the Doc Scanner B)This Invoice needs to be rejected C)This Invoice has been Accepted and you don’t need to take any further action The correct answer is: A “You have a comment from the Operator that they need additional information to be placed in the Doc Scanner”
Review Questions In the Doc Scanner, the grey shading means that the Operator does not understand something? A)True B)False The correct answer is: False “It means that all Invoices have been Processed ”
Review Questions When scanning your Invoices in, the Operators are allowed to enter what information when creating an Invoice? A)UPC, Cost and Retail B)Quantity, UPC, Cost and Retail C)Quantity, UPC and Cost D)UPC, Retail and Promo Code E)None of the Above The correct answer is: C “Quantity, UPC and Cost.” Operators are not allowed to change or create a retail.
Review Questions When entering an Invoice by hand, what is one of the most important things you must do with your Items for that Vendor? A)Make sure the item has a Retail. B)Make sure the item has a Cost. C)Make sure the item is attached to that vendor. D)Make sure the item has a VIN. The correct answer is: C “Make sure the item is attached to that Vendor.”
Review Questions Where would you go in the Navigator to View and Accept Scanned Invoices and EDI Invoices? A)Processing Purchases/Scanning New Invoices. B)Processing Purchases/New Invoices Entry. C)Processing Purchases/ Accept Pending Store Purchase. D)None of the Above. The correct answer is: C “Processing Purchases/Accept Pending Store Purchase.”
Training Center For additional testing on what you have learned, please refer to our new “Testing Center”. You can access this new feature by clicking on the help icon, and then choosing the testing center icon.
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