Women’s course Sarah to Bathsheba
Women’s course: Sarah1 Abraham Sarah (sister) God PharoahSatan Sarah (wife) (Adam) (Archangel) (Fallen Eve) (conditionally restored Eve)
Women’s course: Sarah2 Abraham Sarah (sister) God Abimelech (before birth) Satan Sarah (wife) Isaac Hagar (concubine) Ishmael Hated, wanted her sent away
Women’s course: Rebekah Isaac Rebekah (sister) God Abimelech (after birth) Satan Rebekah (wife) Jacob Esau at personal risk, against conventions Mother/Son - Helped restore birthright
Women’s course: Rachel Jacob Leah (concubine) God Satan Leah (wife) Levi, Judah + 4 Rachel (concubine) Joseph, Benjamin Stayed, but couldn’t unite took wife’s position United later Mothers should have helped unite the daughters
Women’s course: Tamar JudahGod Satan Zerah TamarPerez at risk of life, against conventions Blood lineage restored in womb (father-in-law)(daughter)
Women’s course: Ruth Perez God Satan at risk of life, against conventions ElimilechNaomi Ruth (Moabite) Boaz Ruth Obed (Grandfather of David) Through love, faith (daughter)(father-in-law) Inherits position Possible Husb. (mother) Mother /daughter cooperation
Women’s course: Bathsheba David Bathsheba (concubine) God UriahSatan 1 st dies 2 nd son Solomon Bathsheba
End End Hak Ja Han Moon